Season 6 & Nations Cup: Prizes by SteelSeries – Mapping Contest: Poll Phase – General polls – Recent winners
August 19, 2009
Season 6 & Nations Cup: Prizes by SteelSeries
We are back from the summer break and happy to announce our partnership with SteelSeries, one of the leading manufacturers of gaming peripherals and accessories, will continue. Our main sponsor will provide high quality gaming hardware for the winner and runner up of our two upcoming main tournaments!
The best national team out of 32 possible participants will win 6x SteelSeries Kinzu Optical Mouse in our Nations Cup. The Vice-Champion will gain 6x SteelSeries 4HD!
The 6th installment of our regular season will be in the sign of SteelSeries lately released high-end gaming mice Xin. The winner of Division 1 will get 6x SteelSeries Xai Laser Mouse. Besides, the Runner Up will win yet unreleased 6x SteelSeries 9HD. Good luck to all teams in Season 6 presented by SteelSeries Xai!
Mapping Contest: Poll Phase
Almost 4500 players tested the Top 5 Mapping Contest maps in the first 4 weeks after our public server was published. We have reached the poll phase of the content which will decide the Top 3. Every Top 5 map has its own rating poll, every registered user is able to rate a map from 1-10 (10 = perfect, 1 = waste). See below for link with all polls.
Top 3 rated maps will be put on a final cup. Eight top teams will meet each other in a group phase and a following playoff phase. All participants will rate the top 3 maps again to decide the winner. The winner will be part of Season 6 and the 5th Cup final.
-> Mapping Contest polls <-
General polls: Sniper & Spy weapons, FaN and freight
Also it’s about time to clear up the future rules for next tournaments. The start will be decisions about the lately released Spy & Sniper weapons, the tweaked Scout weapon FaN and which version of freight should be played. Take your right to vote!
All polls are listed on the separate poll page below the Mapping Contest polls.
-> Weapons & freight polls <-
Recent winners: Season 5 “Player of the Season” & Pyro Paintball 3on3 Cup
Last but not least a big congratulation to Extremer [Profile] who gained the Player of the Season award in Season 5. The demoman from I Don’t Know? is the first Division 2 player who gained the most valuable award of our regular season tournaments.
Also the Pyro Paintball 3on3 Cup is finished. Super Gut [Profile], the favorite due to excellent match results in further rounds, beat Division 2 team
Game Control in the final (10:7 – [Match Page])and won the first Pyro cup title!
Limit 2 means no limit right?
We should not limit every weapon since I would hate to play 6v6 cl2 ml1 dl1 sl0 fl0 al1 drl1 cdl0 jl0 rbl0 hl1
I its cl 2 then the most u can have is Limit 2
you cant have Limit 3 if there is only a Class limit of 2 can you now :p
Wrong Profile Link @ Super Gut
[…] Lielākā Eiropas Līga ETF2L gatavojoties, nu jau sestajai sezonai, izveidojusi vairākas balsošanas, kā arī paziņojusi balvas. Balsot šeit. Lasīt vairāk šeit. […]
Hope that ETF2L admins aren’t stupid enough to take these polls into account when making the rules.
Just my $0.02
As compton.
50+% of the custom map votes are 1’s. Seems more like ppl are voting against then for.
Just ignore all <4 ratings
Limit 0 (22%, 23 Votes)
Limit 1 (16%, 17 Votes)
I lol’ed
+1 compton
Make it fucking clear that LIMIT 2 == “NO” limit. Wanted to vote for “limit 0”, which is “no limit” if you have a sane mind.
Or write it out … lazy bastards :D
Do people understand that Limit 0 means the item is banned rather than unlimited?
If so why the fuck should the Huntsman, Jarate or infact any of the unlocks, bar Sandman, be banned outright?
And what’s with all the fucking 1 and 10 votes for the maps; be objective or get the fuck out!
The people that think limit 0 might mean no limit, are exactly the ones that think about it, and will figure out that 0 actually means 0. (and they probably also the ones that have been seeing too many configuration files ;) )
If you don’t think about it, 0 means just what it is: 0.
yay free mouses and mousepads for swedenland and dignivale o:
Give your rating for cp_waste! (10 = perfect, 1 = waste)
guess if you keep naming ratings like this we won’t be seeing this map in the maplist anytime soon :D
jeez making rules and limits to each and every weapon? :P and couldn’t you have put an option to remove freight instead of having to choose between 2 versions? aah cba with this :P
I wanted to vote no limit too and voted “limit 0”..the poll is not really clear. :/
bybben yeah, what ever we do we’ll get whine. lets allow them = whine, lets not = whine. ok lets have vote about them = whine.
yea m0re so no point in whining yourself? :p
just saying im against putting limits to everything.. class limits are enough, not like a few weaponlimits are gonna make the game more balanced.. if teams wanna bring 2x FaNs then sure, their loss :P just making things so complicated…
putting limits on weapons does seem unneccesary, either ban them or allow them I say…
and I don’t understand why u vote for setting limit 1 on jarate!? u wouldn’t gain anything on using 2 jarates anyway, it’s the same dmg.
I haven’t gotten any confirmation, so can anyone tell me if cp_waste has been updated on the servers before this poll came out? (Current version: cp_waste.bsp)
[…] Nu är det även dags att rösta på en del olika regler m.m inför ETF2L Säsnong 6. […]
ban or allow, dont be in the middle…just makes it all more confusing. Oh and tbh the division1&2 teams want way different things then the div6,5,4
I think this is the wrong way to go about it in reguards to the weapon unlocks.
Allow all of the weapons. Ban them later if they have a huge negative impact on the game (e.g. it becomes the standard strategy with no means to counter it using a different set of weapons).
Many of the unlocks are being voted to be disabled with no justification other than simply… not liking the weapon. Sandman was banned because it had the power to completely alter the gameplay of a regular 6v6. Ubercharges could be disabled, a single player instantly eliminated without a chance of survival or any risk on the sandman scout (run away if the stun misses) etc…
Items like the huntsman, FaN, Jarate may cause an annoyance, and may still be exploitable (It’s the wrong word but the word I like to use to describe it). We may soon find that a co-ordinated Jarate attack is wayyy too powerful, but at this moment in time, it quite simply isn’t… There would be no reason to ban it.
If you are that concerned, limit new and untested unlocks to 1 per team. At least by having them allowed, you should be able to in time see if a certain unlock is too powerful or destroys the general concepts of 6v6 gameplay. Banning something because players just, don’t like it will only harm an element of the diversity in this game.
Have you seen anyone more powerful with the Huntsman than the regular sniper rifle? Yet most people want it banned?? wtf community… sort it out.
Waste is horrid.
Please just ban weapons or allow them… that limit thing makes no sense!
Wo will ever play with 2 FaN ?! Or even with 2 Huntsman?! … i lolled …
Anyway votes are clear for me, dont see the problem what 0 1 and 2 means! ;) Learned that in preschool :P
IMO polls are stupid, especially conducted like this
1 vote per clan competing is a much better way of gaining opinions
Either way I voted to allow all waepons, since new content is the only thing that will stop 6v6 getting stale
Unlocks should be all or none, allow them all, or ban them all
As I’ve suspected most of the mapping contest votes are 1 and as i’ve said on the forum:
no offence but public voting is so biased and not at all objective, imho, when it comes to judging
The polls are just there to get insight of what people think of the weapons/bans.
And I think we can safely say that the majority of the people have no clue and vote like this is a retarded WoW forum. “If my class does not use it, it makes the other class stronger, BAN”
every poll about a limit on the huntsman, jarate and any other new unlock is bullshit. it just stops the possiblity to invent some new tactics.. dont be that small-minded and ban them before testing them, plz (+1 AcidRenix). We tested FaN and people wanted it banned, because of …. (enough reasons) Also, do you really think an Ambassador Limit of 2 would mean that people would regularly use 2 spys instead of 2 scouts? think a bit further than: “I don’t like the weapon! So ban it!”
As for me, I often played so far with
@freight: the “perfect” version of freight is still not released yet. middle of final, 4th and last of normal and here we go… but as long as nobody is about to do that, lets stuck to cp_freight and not use cp_maze_final :)
[…]As for me, I often played with and against the new unlocks so far and i never had a problem with them[…] Somehow half of the sentence was deleted ^^
I don’t actually care about the weapon limits or which version of freight i’m playing.
I care about which maps in the contest are chosen as the final 3.
Yukon is eventually going to end up in the mappool regardless of any vote because it’s an official map, Outlaw doesn’t have it’s creator working on it anymore (I don’t think Jasska even cares about the map or the contest anymore), Waste is a reworked version of the PL map designed before the contest started, my map isn’t finished,nor playtested properly and nor do I have the time to do so, and Gullywash is a smaller badlands with some design changes.
Public votes don’t do justice to contests unless they have jury votes to take into account. You can take the Eurovision Song Contest as a perfect example of this.
yay me!
+1 arx. It’s a better way of doin it, but imo all shit should be allowed :p
what the fuck is wrong with you people. adding new weapons is awesome, gives new tactics and options and you want to fucking forbid them????? get used to new weapons, you cant deny every one of them. arrogant bitches :<…
I can understand a debate about sandman limitation (By the way with the “new” sandman it’s maybe time to allow 1 ?) or about the fan before it was nerfed recently but not for thoses new weapons which are for the majority not going to be used a lot :/
Allow with no limit all thoses weapons so we can imagine some (very few) news tactics.
as it stands atm, huntsman, jarate, dead ringer and ambassador will be completely banned…
thats bullshit, and there’s also limit 1 in the lead for many weapons.
no way thats gonna happen, theres no reason to ban any of them.
and comon, so many 1 and 10 ratings…
polls are useless, people are too retarded
The current outcome of the votes makes me sad. It is like every weapon except Razorback is voted to be banned. WTF is wrong with you people? Anything Valve puts into this game is just banned and you want to play the granary/badlands until the game dies because everyone got finally sick and tired of playing the same god damn thing over and over again?
Stop repeating the same whines, redundant flaming does nothing when all has been said.
I’d like to see more than the winning map added to the map pool )
These votes are indeed kind of ridiculous. Ban or no ban should be the way to go imo.
And who votes for the maps when he hasn’t even played them yet?
Some people just don’t want new maps it seems…
whats the point with new maps anyway.. :P everyone prac on gran/badlands and then on official we’re off playing shit maps.. just keep freight fastlande and turbine for that.. :p
IMO no limits for any weapons (except sandman), only official maps -> yukon goes to the map pool.
No limits for any weps are required… at the most MAYBE 1 fan but even that is not required. And Waste + gullywash are amazing maps. Both should make it to into the map pools.
I second that swifty!
If FaN isn’t going to be banned then might as well not limit it either :]
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