Season 5 news: provisional divisions, playoff, map pool and dates – another ban
April 24, 2009
Season 5: provisional divisions
With the signups going so fast, we were able to start, and finish our provisional seedings well ahead of schedule. This is when you will find out in which division we have placed you. It is only a general indication, ranging from div 1 to 6, later on you will be split into groups of 10 teams. The seedings can be found here:
>>>[Season 5 provisional seedings]<<<
These seedings are not 100% set, you can’t claim anything based upon them, butwe’ve worked hard to make them as final as possible. If you think your team is misplaced, too high or too low, you can notify us of this. Wherever possible and reasonable, we will try to put you in another division. Generally, requests to play in a lower division will always be granted. If you want to notify us, please use the following procedure:
Write an email to [email protected] with the following details:
- Your team name
- The division we seeded you in
- The division you want to play in
- Give us proof that you are capable of playing in the division you requested. This means: screenshots of matches where we can see you are capable of winning against teams from the division you want to play in. Official matches will be vastly more important than PCW’s. Please try to submit results from official matches as much as possible.
- Anything else that you think might help.
Note: any appeals must be emailed before Sunday 26 April, 23:59 CEST to be considered.
Season 5: division 1 playoff
One of the teams that was heading for division 1 in season 5, Nervous.tf2, sadly dropped. This left us with a gap in that divisions. Two clear candidates have arisen who in our eyes can compete in division 1. These are Team YoYoTech and Level Up, containing a lot of previous Nervois.tf2 members. For them to decide which one can take the last division 1 spot, which can’t be gained without a fight, we will hold a playoff match between these two teams. This match will be held under the usual playof-conditions. Maps; cp_granary, cp_badlands (and cp_gravelpit as decider). Each map must have a winner. When tied, a golden cap will be played. We wish both teams the best of luck in this match. Hopefully we will be able to arrange some coverage, details will follow.
Season 5: map pool
The map pool votes have been closed. The majority has decided the following: cp_freight will be moved to the primary map pool (and changed to the final version, as opposed to the b3 version which we used in season 4), pl_badwater and ctf_well will be removed from the secondary map pool. They can only be chosen from the 3rd map pool now, and not directly. The season 5 map pool is the following:
Primary map pool (maps can be chosen 3x by each team):
- cp_badlands
- cp_granary
- cp_well
- cp_gravelpit
- cp_fastlane
- cp_freight
- ctf_turbine
Secondary map pool (maps can be chose 1x by each team):
- cp_dustbowl
- cp_labor
- ctf_2fort
- ctf_mach4
- pl_goldrush
Season 5: dates
With the sped-up sign ups, we have found room to speed up things with season 5 in general. This will move the season further away from the summer, which we hope is a good thing. We have moved everything 1 week forward. The new dates are the following:
- Thursday 23rd april: publishing of provisional seedings
- Sunday 26th april: final date to submit request to change division
- Tuesday 28th april: publishment of final divisions, map picks open
- Sunday 3rd may: map picks close
- Monday 4th may: week 1 starts
- Monday 11th may: week 2 starts
- Sunday 17th may: week 1 match deadline
- Monday 18th may: week 3 starts
- Sunday 24th may: week 2 match deadline
- etcetera.
Sadly, some individuals has once again felt the urge to gamble and challenge faith by using unfair methods — “importing” a banned player under a new account. Previously banned cheater Berg decided to resurface as Prefect in the very same clan (Noreaction) as he previously played with. This fact could not have escaped the management of the Noreaction team, and we have thus decided to ban the entire clan from ETF2L Season 5. Yet again, we sincerely hope it’s the last ban we ever have to hand out.
1st post
All look at Agron, he made a first post. He’s so cool now, i wish i could be like him. in div3? Based on what? :D
(Im suggesting we are too high and not the opposite, btw :P)
Based on we were really missing a few div 3 teams and the names sounded cool. But feel free to send an email.
We’ll play in div3 ! Just add us up ;)
clanban beats playerban ^^
div6 :(
Every time I see the mapname ‘cp_freight’ I want to cry. The spawn timers (even on the final version) are so… odd. Bet we will see some interesting tactics in S5 on that one! :)
How is the tf2 community suposed to grow if the etf2l is capping it to 250 teams?
There are over 50 teams on the waiting list. People were even wondering if we were going to make the 250 teams for season 5. But these signups prove that the community is still growing. That players want to keep interest to the game and start new teams. And there are great efforts that help tf2 forward, like the tf2mentor project that gives strategic help to (new) clans.
But what is the point of that all if the etf2l decides that 1/6 of the signed teams can’t play? How is the community supposed to grow?
If the amount of work is it’s just to much work then please remove some fun cups because the seasons are way more important.
Etf2l really needs to reconsider the team cap imo.
the community has “grown” to 300 teams; how many of them will fold? 60 of 250 folded last season; how many of them were “new” teams who were cdontributing to the “growing” community?
yoyo2 in div3? I think they are div2 standard tbh, no offense to teams like HH and s7(wub) and there is a few in there that I’ve never even heard of but yoyo2 are above them in skill. You also have a team called RoXor which is just another finnish clan built on the others that fold give them 2 weeks into the season.
resistansen for div 2
how surprising a cheater in NR.
who’s laughing now? :)
Oggy, some teams earned their spot in div2 because of the position they ended in the season prior.. as for some other calls, well either they must have had more votes or the teams that got seeded in a lower div just didn’t show enough results to admins (if any).
really we shouldnt ave to play yoyo for div1 status was meant to take over nervous as levelup really team dint fold just wanted to change the name and get away from all that but albert or sum nib who shouldnt of had leader status removed mine so I couldnt resort the nervous.tf2 team on here and had to start team from new registration in reality team dint die espically after debacle last season and fact us and yoyo should be there but we will just walk div2 again i dunno just my 2 cents :) basically we won div2 and changed our name in reality! not to fussed what happens but yer just thought id add!
as we dint drop from the league finished the season unlike other teams uhmm and us core players of the team planned on carrying on anyway not cause albert left or whatever, appz goin afk and blah so yer! think we deserve to be there :D
Well if you deserve to be there, you should have no problem in beating yoyotech.
ex-men will win div 6.
curious that fenneks managed to join div3 after losing their promotion game.
(fenneks shouldn’t be in div3) +1
you could have give veAre.silver that spot,
there are more capable then a lot of the teams in div 3 !!!
GL to all teams for season 5, even though I’m surprised at some seedings! Let’s hope its a good one !
+DCSB red dropped last season in div2. don’t think they should be rewarded by getting the spot again in favor of the dedicated stable teams.
freight in primary map pool. Awesome, it’s my favourite map, couldn’t have asked for more! It’s really good!
and anyway fiend please tell me how many finnish clans folded last season without finishing all their games
no offense to yoyo2, they’re really nice guys. But tbh there are a lot more div2 capable div3 teams out there.
gogo x-men
I kinda like freight, but I’d like to see a removal of secondary and third-party map pool all together. Even if they’re there, they’re rarely played, just because they’r enot really cut out for 6on6 competetive play imho. Sooner or later, some slimey douchebags are gonna take advantage of the rarely played maps to sleeze they’re way upwards.
Why Doctor? ] We could accidently meet each other on mach4.. so this will be competetive challange :P
Hmm indeed the dcsb red spot is contestable. If any team claims to be in div two than i feel a fair playoff game vs dcsb should be at its place :x
Oggy: and what makes it even MORE EXCITING there are 3 totally new FINNISH FOLDING FUN clans in div2! Now you can make a bet who are gonna fold first!
DCSB dropped twice from div2 :X
special7 in div2 ? really ?
@Silan maybe?
Can Oggy tell us to what he’s basing that on? Which Finnish team folded before last season ended? Or maybe it’s just racism which clearly shouldn’t be tolerated over here.
Vlijm, this match was not
Sexual Seedings, however i’d say extenSia!, Yoyotech2 and TRIAD are all worth a look at in div2 for the pending spots
Ohh let’s have a think hmmm….. Oh yeah delerium!
“or the teams that got seeded in a lower div just didn’t show enough results to admins (if any).”
meaning didnt have an admin themselves. nah, jokes :)))
thing is that yy2 won quite a nice amount of pcws during s4, however didnt win that in officials. If you look at the divs tho, you could notice that div3a indeed was the strongest one, with GLC, xz and triad all on top as well.
they will walk div3 anyway.
looks good!
Now I have more time, lol moose how is stating that in my eyes it seems that finnish clans fold before the end of the season racist? The fact is every season there is a finnish clan with basically the same members (mikka and his pals) that fold before the season is up. Just the in the same way that lvl will probably fold before the end of the season (no offense fiend,ziggy) there are probably around 3 teams that always fold and then pop up with a slight different roster every season.
But ok I’m just racist!
How to Play in Division 2, a guide:
drop from div 2 in season 3
drop from div 2 in season 4
Guaranteed div 2 in season 5! No need to finish any season! Avoid relegation playoffs every time!
Season going poorly? Just drop!
“curious that fenneks managed to join div3 after losing their promotion game.”
Maybe because we played against OMG it is, which wasn’t fair anyway? I mean, why should we be punished by playing against a team who lost their points because of a cheater and could’ve easily played in div2?
the flaming must go on! :D
You also have a team called .idk? which is just another European clan. In season4 3 european clans already dropped from div2. Can’t you see the pattern people?!
take a look at the season 4 tables, and then say again which finnish clan folded without finishing the season.
Now look at the season 4 tables once again, and look at the amount of uk teams that folded without finishing the season!:)
I love how Special7 dropped from div3 last season and now they’re in div2. Mmmmh admin abuse?
S7 div2 HQHQ, 1st APRIL ! HQHQ
Would be nice if some people think about how much work it is to make the seedings etc. and not just blame about everything they don’t like.
If you are unhappy about any decision feel free to applicate for the admin job in our next search.
s7 div2, I have not yet understood the subtlety of the joke.
I still love how ungrateful and stupid some people are.
The admins spend ages collecting screenshots and info on the clans so that they can make the divisions as accurate as possible.
Like everything stop whining :x
Cairenn, so you are telling me just because you played someone ‘better’ that you don’t need to prove to be good enough for div3 while others have to do it? I don’t deny that your team was unlucky to get the pick but then again, this can happen if your team ain’t good enough to finish first. getting a free ticket while losing the promotion game bascially breaks the whole system.
Guys please stop saying what divs certain clans should be, if ppl can provide screenies/proof to the email on the newspost to show us that maybe we got it wrong then we will reconsider the position of a clan, Saying a team shouldnt be in that league because blah blah etc etc won’t get anywhere, send proof and we will try our best to fix the issue.
Norris, I don’t think the admins just randomly pointed at a name in div 4 and let them advance. I know we can hold our stance in div 3 just fine. Additionally, we have won against the first placed in our table. Anyway this is pretty much pointless to discuss that here, as Kop already said.
i agree with RaCio.
i dont get it
more than 300 teams signed up for the season and u let only 250 of them play? wtf thats bullshit. last season 260 teams signed up and 250 of them got the chance to play in the league.
50 teams are still waiting to play this season! and i think they dont want to get the slots of teams who dropped in the mid season.
so give the growing tf2 community some space and set the league cap to 280,290 or 300. everything else is just ignorance!
League cap should be set higher, just unfair towards new teams not letting them to compete in the biggest league in europe. would be understandable if there were only couple teams left out but 50+ come on..
The one thing i dont understand is how can a team have a cheater and (they must have) known about it, hence probably abused it but yet they are still only in division5?
Fenneks finished a good div4 season, afterwards needed to play against a top div3 team which lost points due to one player of them cheating. Now lost the match and grabbed a div3 spot at all cause there were a bunch of teams dropping while the season
so i think the decission to seed them in div 3 is quite comprehensible (if you take a look at div4 tables you will see a lot of 3rd placed teams in div 3 due to many drops that season… so leave 2nd placed in div 4 and promote 3rd placed to div 3… would be a joke)
i would think more about dcsb and s7 as already mentioned. the reasons why they are seeded in div 2 isn’t comprehensible to me
dcsb didnt got good results in the few matches they played at all and s7 wasnt playing in div2 at all. HH managed to get good results and played the whole season without dropping so why they didnt deserved to play there? ;)
Darn, Hellfish and the rest of “Why the 250 team cap”-crew. I think the 250-team limit is a great idea! Last season, we ended up playing with _three teams_ in our division, due to clans dropping like flies when they took their first (and/or second) big defeat. 50+ clans dropping last season and 50 clans on the waiting list this season, would be -excellent- numbers to compare, since we can probably presume people coming off the waiting list, having their game and losing big — will also drop. Matching the number of slots with the number of teams would YET AGAIN yield results as seen in Season 4 — and it was nor pretty or funny for anyone involved.
So, wouldn’t you agree that having (as of right now) 54 teams on the waiting list is JUST the right amount?
u cant stop me
haha but u just got stoped :DD
haha but im still playing
@ gryzor
do you wanna replace a team which droppes in mid season or at the end? Oo
thats just crap. imagine you get the spot of an dropped team in mid season from div 4 that lost all matches. now u can play the upcoming matches. but it doenst matter how good u are, i dont belive ull get it to an promotion spot.
@ fiend
level up only has 2 players that won div2: fiend and monk
nvc, joske, left before season ends, akil and havok werent in the team, so, no its not the same team :D
Good points Hellstorm; although I am pretty sure that a replacement wouldn’t work like that (as it couldn’t work like that :P) – thus I for one would like to see a response from an admin outlining such a situation.
No need for flaming, just put fb2 in div2 and everyone’s happy.
Even though I disagree with a lot of decisions made, can’t really fault the admins for it as you can’t exactly ask they be experts on all 250 teams history. Hopefully the appeals process will see some of the more outstanding decisions overturned.
Out of interest though, I’m wondering why yoyo+lvl get a playoff game with neither team having earned it (from the admins perspective), but no similar process is implemented for teams hoping to play division2. No disrespect meant to s7 but I can’t see how the decision to put them in div2 could have been unanimous, so why not have had them play a preseason game against another div2 potential (fb2, yoyo2, resistansen or whoever else).
Вы лохы :)
“I love how Special7 dropped from div3 last season and now they’re in div2. Mmmmh admin abuse?”
Ask for the admin-seeding votes and you might see how much abuse there really is seeing as winneh voted us for div3 himself, other admins voted s7 div2, go cry in a corner.
but haunter nvc and joske played a part in last season in winning the games and it was inevitable that was gonna happen to the team where we was gonna carry it on anyway so in fact it was 4 of us so yea it is the same team just havok is new and akill as medic!
and kaidus read above
lvl do deserve it as we are just technically nvs>yoyo>lvl now just with a different scout and medic we dint even have to disband well we dint just had to rego over nervous name and nvc and josh was still under the team roster at end of season haunter and appz is on our roster so thats 5 players..
and kaidus u got promoted from div4 so be happy with div3 umm, haunter im not 2 fussed playin a playoff game whatever but in the need and real reason we shouldnt have to they say we disbanded cuase of idiots like albert etc but we dint officially well not to us we was gonna carry on anyway we never dropped from etf2l and team still does not say dropped on nervous.tf2 but we had to change cause no leader power to rename the team and sort it out
Pfft we’re easily div1
No just kidding everything seems good so far, will be great when the whole thing gets going :D
would like to read a comment from daykiller or DNB why they set the cap to 250 teams.
good luck with the div 1 playoff game, should be a good match.
Nothing above answers my question (that I can see anyway, 70+ comments so may have missed it). I didn’t meant to suggest lvlup shouldn’t get the playoff game, I’m 100% in favour if you guys taking nervous’ rightful spot without contest. My point is that admins are less familiar with division 3/2 borderline sides than they are 1/2 borderline, so why should everything just come down to their judgement when it is quite apparent they don’t have a tremendous amount of expertise when it comes to the specifics.
As far as be happy with div3, I really don’t mean to sound arrogant but I already had to sit through 9 weeks of utter dulldum crap because we were put in a too low division last season, I was really hoping to not have to do it again, or at the very least be given a real opportunity to prove it. My complaint isn’t with the admins decisions as much as it is the system in which admins have to make these decisions. Even if FB2 (I use FB2 as my example here as I’m obviously most familiar with our own situation, but I know there are similar ones) submit a fantastic appeal with solid evidence that we deserve a division 2 spot more than a team already seeded there, it doesn’t DISPROVE that they also deserve it. It just shows that we are also good enough but due to the system were unable to prove it until it was too late. Teams that are questionably seeded into division 2 do not have to submit their own evidence to prove they deserve it more than another, it’s just a case of what teams do the admins know the most about. A more globally implemented pre-season playoff system would overcome this. If there are four teams who may or may not be the correct pick for the one remaining division 2 place, why not let them play for it instead of letting it ride on decisions made by a group of what, 15 people who have to make decisions concerning 1500 people (250 teams with 6 players each).
Again, I don’t fault the admins themselves as they are only human, I’m just trying to make the outstanding issues with the league’s system more apparent.
fiendos we have pukz and riemu from nvs, that make us worth of getting the spot?
and if its for games played, u didnt play any league game last season, so u r out?
How many games did riemu play with nvs again?
Kaidus, admins know that some teams are supposed to be higher but they cant be placed in a higher div because of lack of results or lack of available places (because some teams did earn their place rightfully, even if they might be too weak).
All I’m saying is that in cases where there is no exact protocol in place for decision making (eg. s7, roxor and balding dwarf for div 2) that perhaps it is in everyones best interest to alter the system. Instead of admins deciding the initial candidates, announce how many division 2 slots have gone unfullfilled, find out which teams are interested, and THEN ask for evidence before any team (s7, roxor, BD in this case) is given any advantage due to mere chance as opposed to right.
FB2 are fierce.
Balding Dwarf currently have no dwarf king, so theirs claims to the throne are under dispute, however, they do have awesome avatars.
“fiendos we have pukz and riemu from nvs, that make us worth of getting the spot?”
none of them PLAYS with you though!!!!11 gossip :)) <3
“50+ clans dropping last season and 50 clans on the waiting list this season, would be -excellent- numbers to compare, since we can probably presume people coming off the waiting list, having their game and losing big — will also drop.”
So 50 teams dropped last season – not allowing 50 teams this season = 0, meaning that no teams will drop, k wtf.
I was under the impression that the 250 team limit made at least a little sense, but not this weird explanation.
The signups are based on who signed up first and not on the stability. The teams that signed up last are mostly new teams and teams that spend time selecting a lineup instead of picking the first 6 clanless players they can find.
The 250 team limit is randomly letting promising teams out and preventing new teams from joining the largest and most important(at least to lower teams) league. So these new and promising teams will be left without anything to play for besides PCW’s for the next 4 months. Something that would hurt even the most stable teams and will lead to new teams not bothering anymore and giving up.
The 250 team cap is basically a community cap for tf2 that takes care competitive tf2 will never grow larger than 250 teams and can only decline from now on.
Balding dwarfs are awesome, especially if invisible ^^
<3 their cloak
[10:17pm] (@Pizza) bd is in the cup
[10:17pm] (@Pizza) they won n20
[10:17pm] (@Pizza) they’re invisible for some reason
[10:17pm] (@Pizza) so we will play balding :)
[10:19pm] (@cubeth) what lol
[10:19pm] (@cubeth) invisible balding dwarf?
Last time I heard one of the admins said that the site can only support 250 clans and that to raise the limit they would have to completly recode the site. So that might be the reason?
HH div2. GOGO!
not sure if s7 deserve a d2 spot, but it has been a while since we beat them last time, so you never know.
Seedings look good though, i vote 10 dropped teams before season starts.
@ oggy
that sounds like a lie :D
I rofled on Berg and his sneakyness :) good work there etf2l :)
i dont care about the lvl^ drama, but what upsets me a bit is that dcsb keeps getting into div2 even if they constantly folds… i dunno how much they changed their lineup between each season, but like.. its not right, if its more or less the same team at least.
no offence to the admins, but why are dropped teams promoted/allowed to stay in high divisions? thats kinda odd for a organisation that is looking for skillfull and what more, STABLE teams to get promoted. jus askin
Interesting situation with lvl^. I think they deserve a Div1 spot since they had completed the season before they rebranded and had roster changes.
Equally, I feel that YoYo/Vale must at the very least have a chance at a Div1 spot.
Good luck with that one, admins :D
q: JimmyBreeze “How to Play in Division 2, a guide:
drop from div 2 in season 3
drop from div 2 in season 4
Guaranteed div 2 in season 5! No need to finish any season!
Avoid relegation playoffs every time!
Season going poorly? Just drop!”
Its pathetic yet true ^^ Thumbs up JimmyBreeze!
ETF2L Powerleveling guide
this is pathetic… to say at least
-fixed map pools only for upper divs..
-yoyo2/fb2/omg(i might be missing some good teams cba) on div3
and s7 on div2… (mmmm very dodgy 1 tbh)
-bans give away without evidence and very suspicious…
– wot jimmy said…
– prolly more things I am missing right now…
this is all very interesting…
do I know u, Sneis?
what’s interesting j3 is why you’re still commenting on newsposts of this league if you hate it so much!=)
Where do you all think the 50 euro’s for the soldier cup came from? We consider it an investment because we believe Tuna will win us the sly ‘funds’ back!
“The signups are based on who signed up first and not on the stability. The teams that signed up last are mostly new teams and teams that spend time selecting a lineup instead of picking the first 6 clanless players they can find.”
Racio – you make a very good point here tbh. First come first served isn’t always best for quality of the league.
I’m new to etf2l, and because of a “blonde” moment even though I did sign up within 30 mins of the signups opening, it didn’t work – I think because i only had 5 confirmed players with steamIDs – does this auto reject you?? I dunno…
Anyway, my team is a mixture of newly competitive tf2 players (myself included) and already experienced players – a great example of tf2 growing. I have 1x div2 player, and 2x div3 players alongside some great “newcomers” who can play at similar levels. We formed mid-march and play 2 or 3 maps each night Sun-Thurs. very stable ATM. We are at risk of folding because this is the league that matters the most to us, all our training was for this and I don’t blame my other members if they want to try and join teams who are in etf2l if we can’t get off the waiting list.
IMO clans AND players should be penalised more if they drop out of a season to early, maybe a ban from playing in the next season, or that if a team consists of 50%+ players of a prior season folded clan, they are put first on the waiting list – to encourage them to finish the season rather then dropping out because they don’t have a chance of winning.. maybe this would stop issues like 50+ clans dropping out in seasons and make admins lives easier for picking clans who are stable for this 250 clan limit season. There’s got to be some sort of way to flag players like this on the system so to reduce admins work because I do understand and appreciate all the work the admins do – I used to be a headadmin for ClanBase 4 yrs ago, i know its mostly a thankless job and I even stopped playing online just to work for the site so i do understand.
Indeed J3 you’re not even in a clan for this league, so therefore i find you input invalid.
Kindly Fuck off.
nah Berg, and i dont know u either, i just think ur pathetic
u can think about me anything u want, i dont care
Fenneks can hold in division 3 no doubt.
Fragmative can hold in division 4 no doubt.
You know there are other leagues besides ETF2L. Being unable to play in this one league among many doesn’t mean the teams can’t play TF2 competitively. In fact having just one site with an active TF2 league would severly stunt the growth of the game and limit any exposure it might have outside our small circle. I doubt anyone outside TF2 knows of this site.
“IF” I remember correctly, there have been limitations to the site causing a team cap, although im sure they were fixed.
It’s hard enough placing 250 teams in to “correct” divisions, 50 more just creates a headache, sure you can add div8 + div9, but then the placement headache gets worse.
As Perry said j3, “if you hate the league that much, fuck off.”
The dropped teams be punished one is a difficult situation and is _not_ fixed by dumping them in a lower division. You’d end up with teams like lvl^, vale, delirium(if/when they reform ;p) all playing in div3/4, I doubt the teams in that division would like that.
Fiendos plz use full stops when you type. Your posts are painful to read.
indeed tapley I am not but so far as I know this is the biggest online meeting place for tf2 which makes my input very noticeable to the community.
I would tell u the same thing but unfortunatly I don’t have an admin on my team and I guess I would prlly get a ban for that…
And not being claned is no reason at all btw…
I guess this league had better moments… anyway wot was just guessing when the bans came out has now became pretty obvious.
oh and did u said anything about 14 year old convos? righhht…very mature.
And yes I am not claned since uP disbanded, cause of fyrh being banned unfairly and I find it insulting…
tks to ur teammate who doesn’t even know the difference between a good player and lame cheater.
The worse is that he doesnt even care about that as long as his team is on div2 fuck the others… isnt it?
I care about the league always did and srs all this bs thats going on doesnt help your credibility….
if the community by it self doesn’t want to speak up loud and clear about all that has happened within the last month is their choice I wont shut until u guys get some sense of justice… oh and some guts too, maybe then we can have a fair league.
I didnt saw yet an etf2l admin admiting a big mistake, and they happen for sure… but I guess u guys have too much pride to show those to public…
And wlv this is not only my opinion, I just might be the only one saying this out loud since some ppl prolly fear others reaction.
btw I don’t mean to offend any admin, this is my way of criticism and this is a public thread.
J3 you have no idea what your on about, AS said before Winneh asked for div3 but has “provisionally” been placed in div2, that may change very soon as everybody gives there screenies etc. second- you seem to feel that Winneh bans everyone on his own and no other person has any opinion or say in a ban, again very wrong, As for the community well i feel they have had there say and we have all taken notice, BUT that doesnt mean we will change the way we work because some disagree, Plenty of people agree with how we run things and plenty dont, thats how life works.
I suggest you learn to deal with that or as Wlv said just get lost, we are not the only league around!!.
u at least wanted me to know u didnt care :P so u care a bit :D
Clans are better placed at what skill/what result they’re producing now.
A lot of people are saying “Oh HH were stable through div3 etc. so they deserve it” – Sure, but why not argue that 4 teams from that division dropped, and ColorZ got everything defaulted/removed.
As far as special7 go, we submitted results/screenshots of games which has helped us there. Winneh is irrelevant to the situation to be honest, it’s an admin TEAM that decide these things. I would say yoyotech2 are a better team than us personally, but either way you look at it – there are too many teams on that borderline of div3/div2 if you ask me. I have no problem playing possibly “playoff” games unless there’s about 30 of them :p but who’s then to say which teams deserve to get the playoff.
Swings and roundabouts, swings and roundabouts.
Everybody isn’t going to fully agree – and where one team is better on certain maps and then loses the others it’s hard to place people, especially where limited slots are.
“I didnt saw yet an etf2l admin admiting a big mistake, and they happen for sure… but I guess u guys have too much pride to show those to public…”
What about the sandman?
No I dont think winneh bans everyone on his own and that was made clear by alot of ppl in the admin team, but I suggest u get a bigger ac team, or I don’t know… tre get a better one.
I supported every decision so far until that ban, cause I am 100% sure he wasn’t cheating.
From that point alot of things started to seem suspicious… not only for me.
Y ofc.. why not get lost? I am discussing an issue why the hell would I leave this now if I am trying to improve it??
I didnt knew flaming or insulting was allowed on comments but its fine… I am sure a warning will come up for certain ppl as soon as an admin notices, as it is suposed to be.
kop – is nice of u to advise a player to leave the league anyway, this is how I deal with problems I try to solve them showing it eveyone. Maybe some ppl should learn to deal with criticism and use it to learn too… I sure did in many things.
How are you 100% sure?
Saying I am next to him a lot and he plays well doesn’t count. Look at KondoR.
nym Just to make it clear I am not implying that winneh did anything to put u guys in a better div, just said he didn’t care about other stuff…
seraph that was 1 unlockable, I am sure worse things happened…
But my point is that the admins made a horrendous decision, the community spazzed, and the admins admitted they were wrong and changed their previous decision.
which is exacly what you said they never do.
It’s not your opinion thats the problem, its the way you portray it and its a good few lightyears from constructive.
The comment about not having an admin in your team is quite pathetic as well. If you do actually give a shit about playing in this league, try and post a constructive comment, for example OMG Its should be in div2 because of “Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”, or team A should be moved down because of “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”.
A lot of people said that mafia(yoyo2) should be in a higher division last time round, look how it ended? (granted div3a was a difficult division).
As mentioned previously the league placement is a very difficult task and you have to implement the following (and much more).
Teams that were Promoted
Teams that were Relegated
Teams that have folded and reformed
Teams that have just formed but show lots of potential
Teams that have just formed but show a mid amount of potential
Teams that have just formed but show a small amount of potential.
Teams that failed last season but have improved lots since.
Teams that did well last season but have collapsed since.
Come up with a system thats fair to all of the above, that doesn’t massively extend the league season. It’s not easy.
Pre-Season Play-offs :-
Could end up taking 4 or 5 weeks depending on the amount of “new” teams. By the end of the play-offs, different teams would have improved/got worse.
Rigid Season Structure (folding teams punished) :-
How do you punish them? You can’t sweep them in to a random division as it pisses over every team in that division. According to some of the responses here, you can’t place them in the division they were in last season. You can’t throw them in to the promotion / relegation play offs of the season before either.
Selective team acceptance :-
This _might_ work, if a little harsh. Any team thats folded in the season before has to do things such as provide screenshots showing they are strong enough to play in that division, must’ve been playing as the new side for x amount of time..etc, any team that doesn’t fit the criteria is refused entry and placed on the waiting list.
I could go on for ages.
cook give me a reason for a player that has
3:1 kill ratio avg and aims to improve everyday , he has as much hours as scout as me and he played for 3months barely.
I’ve been with him personaly before and saw him playing against div1 scouts and I know how good he is.
to use a an aimbot(or triggerbot since not even the admins know which thing he suposedly used) in a god damn pickup…!!
in addiction nobody can prove me that he cheated so… why would I believe in a guy I never met never been with and never spoke with, against fyrh that is my uni friend and awsome professional…
lan’s r not the only thing in this case…
Stop going off topic, this news post is about division placements, not if some one hacked.
seraph they had hundreads of posts against it mostly div1/2 teams, I wonder if a 100posts from all the league and none from the top divs would be the same way…
wlv I do say some things that don’t sound quite well, but tell me why would I respect ppl in a forum if they don’t respect me the same way?
if that wasn’t constructive, was “fuck off!!!” constructive, so I should tell everyone who doesn’t agree with me to fuck off ?? is that what u r saying?
I dont think thats very polite m8 lool
yea sure just answering….
About the teams I saw more teams that r overrated in div2 but like u said this is provisional so I guess it will be sorted out…
You’re comments about the league are aimed at the league/admins, not at me or any other poster on this thread :).
It’s true, the large majority of your posts have been derogatory and destructive, giving off the impression you really dislike being here. The words of “If you dont like it, fuck off” do apply in that situation :D
I do like it, I am just trying to make it better… :)
I am very honest and straight when I say anything and that might offend, I don’t try to hide how pissed I am about everything that happened, at least around me there have been so many misunderstoods that it gets me a little bit annoyed.
Bad luck I guess but I am trying to make it right…
Anyway I didn’t insulted anyone… U might see those as destructive because u do not agree, and that would be an explanation. When someone makes me repeat myself over and over again without fixing an issue I can’t help but be harsh…
Maybe some ppl are just confortable as they r and i understand that but that doesn’t gives them the right to just come here and flame away.
I think I made my point.
If yoyotech2 were div2, why didnt they win div3a then?…
It took about 20 posts j3 but we finally got there <3
Too BAD that Badwater was moved down when we still have maps like goldrush and 2fort in the secondary…. Shouldve been options or something? :s
ya m8 I am just here looking for some love =)
I should get drunk more often …. :D
yea Warpath2 ftw, shame that not in it :(
Fs. (the forgotten) for season 5
<3 Bones
I am seeing people going on about how flawed the seedings are, and the quality and the league, but i also see them asking to increase the size of the league.
These are 2 things that are very much tied together. The more teams, the less quality, The less teams, the more quality we can provide.
With 250 teams, i sometimes already feel we’ve given in too much on that quality side. You’ll know what i mean, just look at some of the posts above for examples.
So it’s not a simple matter of throwing a couple extra divisions at it and putting some teams in there. “Sure,” you’d say, “but how can 1 or 2 divisions extra make it much worse?” While that might be true, you have to stop somewhere, otherwise for season 6 ‘a few more divs’ wouldn’t hurt either, etcetera.
So yes, 250 teams. At the start of season 4, i already thought that was too much. For this season i’ve come to terms with it, but an increase isn’t something that makes me happy. Sure we’ve discussed it when we had so much signups, but couldn’t find a way to make it work.
Now, about the seedings. I’ll use yoyotech 2 here as an example, because that’s one of the more obvious ones.
We simply cannot dig through 250 teams, find results of them, ask everyone and his dig who played against them how they were, etcetera. We use our own league as a primary source of information, obviously. After that we might look at other leagues, and as a last measure, recent PCW results. We won’t go down that entire road for every team, that would take too much time. (unless you want to wait over a month for the seedings).
Let’s take yyt2. Last season they shared a 5th place in division 3a, tied in points with my own team. Now, that isn’t a place that gets you close to div 2. Also i happen to know that my own team is being beaten by div 3 and div 4 teams around the clock. So, if they got the same amount of points as we did, they mustn’t be that good either :P Taking that together, i conclude that they didn’t live up to the hype they had at the start of s4, where they were considered as the one who was going to win it. With all that, i consider it done, and don’t look further. Plenty of reason to put them in div 3. But looking at these posts, some people think otherwise.
This is just one example, there are more. This is a side-effect of our current size. With less teams we would be better able to take a look at the teams anc create better seedings.
These seedings are just the results of what we can do. We aren’t perfect, we just try. There’s a reason why we even have provisional divisions and let people appeal those, you know :)
I have to add just 3 more things:
1) what wlv said is right: we can’t put a team in a lower div just because they folded the previous season. If it has the strength to play in a div, it should go there, and not bother the teams of a div lower by just ass-whooping them every match. That is even more pointless and would punish the lower div teams more than the higher one that dropped. Denying teams entry is the only half-sensible solution for that.
2) That 250 teams limit by site design isn’t true. At this moment we should be able to support up to 999 teams, and that can very easially be increased, but i don’t think it’s needed :P But i know where it’s coming from. Last season, we initially weren’t able to place more than 200 teams, but that has been fixed now.
3) About pre-season playoffs, other playoffs and whatnot: Would you like for us to have 2 different seasons? 1 regular season for all teams, and after that a playoff season for some of the teams. I don’t, so playoffs should be kept to a mimimum, as they take too much time. (ofcourse, this is an exaggereation, but you see where i’m hinting at)
Edit: oh dear, i got a bit carried away
Yeah indeed DNB is correct, the amount of people flaming saying how crap the seeds are and at the same time wanting more teams = even worse seedings due to how much work it’ll cause :).
Trust the admins and try to give constructive criticsim!!
i saw DeNeusbeer admitting a mistake once. so that means ARE humans after all.
no flaming towards you neusbeer btw.
so that means admins … *
Good post dnb and in hindsight I may of confused the limit with the cup?
the only problem with cups is that the tree gets too big so it doesn’t fit anymore :P it’s horizontally scrollable nowadays. (which still isnt the best solution)
cp_warpath2 FTW!!!!!!
Again, DeNeus, I ask why you don’t announce how many slots have not been fullfilled through promotion/relegation (eg. 1 in division 1, 3 in division 2, 5 in division 3, etc), ask teams that want one of these spots to submit their evidence, and THEN decided instead of taking a rough guess? Taking the guess achieves one of two things: Gives the “lucky” team the spot they may not deserve, OR, severely pisses off the “lucky” team in the rare event the decision is retracted.
I mean, surely you have to go through the process of viewing numerous appeals anyway, so the work load is the same with substantially less complaining.
Special 7 in div2? WOOOOOOOWWW… That wasn’t unexpected, right?
Oh hey, but they deserve it, after all they easily won div3, they are all div1 players…. Oh wait…
With the information available to the admins I think they’re done a good job. The seedings are provisional – they’re for season 5 teams to look at and check they are placed correctly. Contact an admin if you are not happy – don’t just whine on the comments page!
Well, admins have made their seedings as good as possible.
Bout yoyotech2 and s7. If people really believe that they dont belong on the spot they are now, send evidence etc to admins. If u don’t send them u dont have to whine about it tbh.
And about the cheatissues in this topic. Untill now the admin team caught a lot of hackers and some of them are proven to hack indeed. NONE of them actually got proven not to hack. + Admins would never ever ban someone for cheating when its not 100% proven in their eyes. (wich means at least demo’s from two different games with cheatingactions).
So for me that fryh is much likely to be a cheater since there is no “precedent” of unrightfull accusing (with ban result) of cheating.
But if it’s somehow proven that a chaught cheater didnt cheated. Than we got a whole different situation.
Okay if everyones still whining about players getting banned, if they are banned from other leagues then they hack full stop.
Thats if you dont trust the ETF2L admins or do you just think every league is out in a conspiracy to get the people who have been caught cheating…
Well to be honest i dont think anyone really cares anymore because the decision is made, its not like with the sandman where we could question it. The admins have decided to ban people and they are banned end of.
I dont see how people can still argue that their friends dont cheat when there is an AC team that spend their spare time on working on the evidence to make sure they are 100% sure that the person in question is cheating…
ShitFly, i dont think they need two demos to be honest just one because the rules are if you participate in this league your not allowed to cheat, simple as.
there will never – and I mean NEVER EVER be proven that any of the cheaters didn’t cheated because we will never see the proofs. How can you prove someone doesn’t hack, even if he plays in a LAN and beat dignitas or cc and has a k/d of 5, if all you just need to say is “You didn’t cheated now, but you cheated once, and that’s enough”. Yeah, that’s enough, we all knew the rules, but I never cheated, if you think I did, where’s the proof? “We don’t provide proof because *inser random invented stupid reason*”
Obviously, some people cheated… All of them? LOL
Anyway, this is not the place neither the time to discuss this. I didn’t even touched the banned players here, but you forgot a critical point…
ShitFly bringed that subject, and forgot to point a very very important fact. An answer to correct it would be the best thing to do, no?
We all know the banned players won’t be “unbanned”. Even if the admins now agreed that one player didn’t cheated, they would NEVER admit it.
What part of “stop discussing previous hacker bans” did the many of you find difficult to comprehend?
Firstly, I don’t get what some of you idiots find so hard to grasp. This is a PRIVATE league in the sense it is voluntarily run with no actual funding or cost added to it. The admins are doing there job for free.
I’ve ran a league before and it was much smaller then ETF2L, however I know how much work these leagues take to set up and run. Stop being such a selfish idiot to think you have a right to put admins in there place. The fact is (and I’m not saying this is right) the admins can do whatever they want whenever they want. If you don’t like this, then don’t sign up. ETF2L is one of the best run leagues I’ve seen yet, and I think so far they have done an extremely good job.
Secondly, in terms of s7. We never chose to be in div2. Actually, every member made a vote for div3, however down to admin voting and screenshots we were put in div2. Teams like yoyotech2 ect. are just as good/or better, but at the end of the day in a league like this where the skillgap between the divisions is ever changing and generally small, some unlucky team is going to have to suffer. Also as the admins said, you have the right to constructive critisism. I.e. stop being a douche. If you don’t feel your team/a team is in the right division, atleast have the decency to provide screenshots and proof to help the admins.
Thirdly, stop whining about a teammate hacking. At the end of the day I do feel sorry for Winneh. I still think the ETF2L anti-cheat system is not the best, and personally I would change areas of it. However Winneh isn’t the only admin that sorts the bans, yet he’s the only one that gets any shit. Winneh works his balls off trying to make this league fair and cheater free. He’s very experiences in terms of spotting hacks to the extent you wouldn’t believe or understand. Besides, he’s not the only one who reviews the demos and as such it’s not just a “one-man opinion”. So get some knowledge before you start pointing a finger.
I’m looking forward to seeing how these divisions will get changed (if at all) and I hope the teams that are currently unhappy with there seedings to sort it out and have a great season!
About the cheaters.. shame we don’t know how to spot them .. since we eventually get punished as a team for not being able to. Unfortunately this seems an unsolvable issue, but just hope teams will not have to deal with this setback in season 5. Keep the game clean guys and don’t backstab your teammates !!!!!!
I fucking love colouring.
Of course there will be always be moaning about clans not being supposed to play in div blabla and are way better than other clans in a division higher! Team Fruit had the same last season when we thought div 3 was too low for our skill level, but we ended up playing an interesting season with cool opponents. We did not play any officials to prove we were any good for div 2, so we were held in div 3.
Stability should be one of the key factors to play in any division. I’m not saying that any of the so called “finnclans” who appear to be folding multiple times every season should be in div 5 because they are not stable, but to put them in div 2 seems rather harsh to other stable and improving clans out there who are playing div 3 right now.
Now everyone stop moaning and accept and respect your spot and the admins’ decisions. Prove yourself in whatever division you are you might get up there eventually. GJ admins =]
Bout yoyotech2 and s7. If people really believe that they dont belong on the spot they are now, send evidence etc to admins. If u don’t send them u dont have to whine about it tbh.
We/they never whined about our placement. Right?
I think this is a great result — after the seedings, everything has revolved around two-three teams, nothing else. Two teams out of two hundred and fifty (250). What a feat.
If anything, that shows how damn awesome work seeding-people has done.
I don’t think he was talking about you/them waebi.
whats with the mapcontest winner map/maps?
“You know there are other leagues besides ETF2L. Being unable to play in this one league among many doesn’t mean the teams can’t play TF2 competitively. ”
Oh, we will play in UKeSA, but I would also like to play in a league where I can play for my fun instead of for your money :D
No waebi and that’s cuz yoyo2 are such nice people ^^
I have kept myself out of this discussion for a while now, but after reading some recent comments I would like to spread my rant over this whole affair.
As I am not really active on the ETF2L boards (I let my teammates sort that stuff out) I would like to give a short introduction on who I am, to stop the “OMG WTF WHO IS THAT GUY? DOES HE KNOW WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT??/!/!!11!” reactions. I come from the Call of Duty scene where I got interested in playing at a high level during the last year of Call of Duty 2, where I played high-skilled stuff. Beginning CoD4 I got picked up by a High+ team and together we went to Lans like the i-series and some smaller stuff in Ireland as well. At that time we were überhighskilledpr0-1337z0r and next to CoD4 I decided I needed a game to blow off some steam (I know, corny joke) so I decided to play TF2. So I am not a stranger to competitive play, eventho I’m playing in a div 4/5 team.
At this point I am wondered where a couple of ridiculous ideas came from to support the 250 team limit. 1 of the arguments is that the admins would like “quality” in the leagues. This of course is an admirable desire, but don’t we already guarantee quality by dividing up all the teams into divisions? So that div 1-2 are the “quality” divisions? Which would make sure the other leagues are for other teams willing to progress into the “quality” zone. Currently we have got 6 divisions, as far as I can see you could do with 10 divisions if you would put 8 teams in a group (which is pretty much the standard in other leagues afaik). This would mean you’d fill up 10 divisions, this will cause some trouble in the first season: even a fool can see that because no team wants to be degraded from div6 to div10. But after 1 season you will notice that the scale of “quality” will have moved. Current div. 4 will become div6-7. And if you want a lot of good teams, then you will need some lesser teams to make the others look better. There is a certain percentage of teams who are “überhighskillz0rd”. Let’s just say that that is 5%. If you have 100 teams, you will have 5 good teams, if you take 250 teams you have 12-13 teams. Same goes the other way around, but the more teams you let in; the more opportunity you create for med-skilled teams to get the ambition of getting pr0. I can’t even imagine how many low-med teams there are in Call of Duty 4, but you simply need them because they are still part of the whole community!. That’s why the i-series is a pretty unique event in the sense of so many unknown teams who are present (CoD4) and who get the opportunity to play vs some of the top teams in the group stages. For instance: I went to i36 with a relatively unknown team, we practiced a bit and went to Stoneleigh for fun: we got our 2nd match vs TCM.CoD4 and played them 10-13, we were leading 10-8 before losing! We got the opportunity with this unknown team because of the i-series mentality: everyone is free to participate, no limit which closes ~18% of the teams out: if the groups are full: open new ones up. I thought this mentality fit the TF2 community as well, but apparently some admins feel threatened or something and close out, piss off and disable a lot of people this way.
If I take a look at the Clanbase Opencup Call of Duty 4 SD, then I can see such a world of difference. (we all know CB sucks when it comes to prize money and stuff, but their cup-organization couldn’t be any better for the people they have got) The current Opencup holds 624 teams. Divided into 13 leagues (divisions) and to guarantee the “oh so desired quality” they have got a separate Eurocup holding another 24 teams (the CoD4 Div1), invite based. The procedure here is: every team signs up and ranks himself 1-10. The admins will process all of these applications and divide them up into groups. I hear you thinking: “rate themselves? wut?” But with the processing the admins also take a look at your ladder results and if they know any names in the team (that’s the advantage of having 3 titles in the cod-series: much more history). Oh, and here another argument defiled: they do all of this with 2 admins for the Opencup, 2 for the Eurocup and 16 shared ref’s to spec matches. If I just glance over the ETF2L staff list then…
A thing I completely do NOT understand is why on one hand there are projects to make the TF2 community more attractive and accessible (Community LAN and willing to have different tournaments for different teams there, almost unheard of in other games) and next you just cap the limit at 250? Then the people trying to make TF2 more popular and bigger at the LAN’s are basically wasting their time isn’t it? At The Reality in March I spoke to someone from TCM who said “We just need to go to LAN’s in order for the sponsors to find it interesting to invest money into tournaments”.
At this point ETF2L is the “place 2 be” for TF2 in Europe. A lot of teams depend on ETF2L for their playing time, and by capping the limit at 250 you (yes I say it again) close out, piss off and disable a lot of people.
wtf? someone will read it?
I’ll get my secretary to summarize it for me on monday.
M3taal: nice wall of text, very good points there. agreed with most of the things.
All i have to say is that I find it a shame the admins didn’t let us keep our old nervous spot, as fiend quite rightly pointed out (with a lack of punctuation :P) – we have 5 players on our roster that were in the nervous roster, regardless of what any of the players we’re doing on the official closing of the season we we’re still in the lineup and had at some point played in the team that won all of the games.
The simple fact is that it was easier for our whole team to just create a new team on etf2l than stay with nervous.tf2 and change everything and bug leaders for the leader status – our intervention resulted in a quicker and smoother transaction. Thus in retrospect, the spot should already be ours with any playoffs being between a team such as idk and yoyo1.
Haunter, with you making reference to older players i do have to then make reference to all of your kids arguements as to why you should still have kept top 10 status in that PCW Cadred thing. :)
But anyway, banter over, i am not actually that bothered that we have to play this playoff – i don’t yet think we will win… not because we arn’t good enough but just simply because we’re not ready. I do though beleive it will be a good game and fun to watch though. Going back to division 2 doesn’t bother any of us so don’t take any of our players as being bitter, it’s just the situation of it being unnecessary effort.
In summary; gl to yoyo1 and see you in game.
i agree with M3taal!
its not right to let only 5/6 of the teams play …
I just read that entire post and I think there is some sort of misunderstanding about the word quality.
I think DNB means to say he wishes to provide quality for all teams in the league, whereas m3taal seems to think it’s about the skill of the team.
Nice post btw m3taal, those can only come from players who’s clan is called tl;dr.
Gibbz, I don’t mean to be an argmentative cunt but I don’t understand how the admin panel had a selection of s7’s screenshots to use in determining their provisional division placement when the request for such things only began upon the posting of this annoncement.
Kaidus, all admins started looking for results when the seedings began.
Gathering informations about teams and lineups, where to place them etc. (results from other leagues, and pcws listed on webbys)
The problem is just that many teams dont keep their webby up to date (or teams are too new) and if u have no one to ask in range – teams get seeded based on the informations we have.
We just cant run after 250 teams, thats why this seedings are called “provisional seedins”.
“I think DNB means to say he wishes to provide quality for all teams in the league, whereas m3taal seems to think it’s about the skill of the team”
I mean both, more teams does not have to mean less Q of league, my examples of Clanbase Opencup prove that. With less admins they manage retain a high standard of quality of the league.
Ah that makes sense then. Now the only thing that’s confused me is that gibbz informed me that s7 were provisionally placed into division 2 because there was apparently a lack of teams, which I know to be untrue given that jonni asked me personally if we’d be interested in going for division 2, and when I told him yes he said he’d put our name out there. Once again I’m genuinely not trying to argue, I’m just trying to fill in the blanks that make no sense to me.
Gibbz aint the most clever one :P Actually its the other way around (more div2 capable teams than spots).
Sorry winneh, I have an IQ of 153. Ofc “clever”-ness or intelligence can be measured in many ways. Whatever. I personally couldn’t give a shit.
Sorry kaidus. I clearly made that SHIT up. Trying to impress you and all.
In other news whatever happens div 3 teams will always be able to beat div 2 teams. Depending on map, the day, or team drama, teams will always be beaten by lower division teams. It’s just the fact that the skillgap between the divisions has some link.
Sorry Winneh I have an IQ of 153. But you know intelligence and “clever”-ness can be measured in many different ways.
Sorry kaidus, I’m clearly just a liar trying to impress you.
At the end of the day the top div 3 teams can beat/draw with div 2 teams depending on internal drama / on the day performance / luck / and the map chosen. So really I can’t see any major problem unless you have a team like dmg. in div 3. But still… yea.
Love how absolutely nobody cares about the banned team
ctrl + f the team name, only hits are in the announcement
why should we care about a clan being banned if they take in an already banned cheater again?
We participated in two previous seasons and we never missed a match. We did miss season 4 because signups were in the middle of a holiday. If it wasn’t for someone from team 2 (well, tl;dr) I might not have noticed that signups were open for season 5, missing out from this season as well. Luckily not, but I certainly wouldn’t mind if this system would change. Having played (and completed!) a season should earn you a spot next season.
I’d say it’s a good idea to exchange opinions on how we’d like to see this working before the start of season 6.
Having played (and completed!) a season should earn you a spot next season.
simply don’t work
if teams are dropping after the season, they get a spot and after two weeks or maybe more, the admins realize that the team is dropped.
It’s the best solution that every team have to confirm their participation.
But maybe adding a system, where teams you are talking about can add 2-3 days before new ones would be nice.
I think the 250 team limit is affecting the community and the growth of the game in a very bad way. Sure, the admins are doing a great job and I am grateful for that, but why have the number 250 as a limit ?
This sounds a bit strange, especially considered the number of teams is slightly greater than that.
Why use an artifical limit that puts some of the teams aside ?
Yes, it would mean slightly more work for the admins, but the work sorting out everything for around 300 teams shouldn’t be that much harder than for 250 teams ?
If this really is totally impossible maybe it’s time to search for one more admin ? (I might be able to go admin myself if I’m needed.)
This 250 team limit makes it almost impossible to form new teams (I know from experience. Me and some other guys almost had a team ready that folded yesterday because of this), since the players rather take any possibility to join an empty spot in the choosen 250 to be able to join season 5. Several of those teams in the waiting list will fold because of this.
This limit will ensure that that TF2 doesn’t grow to more that 250 teams maximum.
Sure, there are other leagues, but this is seen as the main most important league by many teams.
I Agree with iller.
If it’s really is to much work then consider options to solve that problem. Don’t avoid that problem by letting 50 teams not play.
You could consider appointing deputy admins who take care of the placements each season. Im sure you could find more then enough players willing to do that.
Or take a look at the idea m3tal posted(letting teams rate themselves).
teams already rating themself :P
but sure, if they go like we are high on pub, so we must be at least mid on 6on6,
then this could get awful
Tbh, if you have to fold cause you miss a season in ETF2L, you’d most likely not make it anyway.
There are plenty of other leagues out there (not the same quality I know).
@cheetah: “Having played (and completed!) a season should earn you a spot next season.
simply don’t work”
Think it through. I didn’t say participating teams should be automatically enlisted for a new season did I? It’s quite easy to put all formerly participating teams on the top of the list, then all new contestants (and all teams that dropped at the bottom, imho). If currently participating teams don’t earn their spot, why are we even bothering with the promotion/relegation matches? The current teams are worth a lot for the ETF2L: these are the teams that make the league consistent. These are the teams where the admins don’t have problems rating them. If there’d be only a small number of NEW teams joining the league it might be possible (or at least: easier) for the admins to accomodate more teams.
agree, last seasons teams (made their matches) should be top of the list (the time of their participation request is not important as long it was before the deadline)
but please don’t make a difference between dropped and new teams, but also agree that they should come second
nevertheless their should always be 50+ spots to fill up
Which time is the divs presented?