Highlander Cup: Round of Sixteen – Instagib CTF 4on4 Cup: Round 3 – Basketball 2on2 Cup: Round 4 – Scout 2on2 Cup: Future
March 18, 2009
Highlander Cup: Round of Sixteen
All Round 2 results have been entered; Round 3 is ready to start! See below for all details & good luck for reaching the Quarter Finals.
Round of Sixteen: Details
- [Cup tree] – [Specific Rules]
- Schedule deadline: Sunday 22th March, 23:59 CET
- Match deadline: Sunday 29th March, 23:59 CET
- Maps: 1. pl_hoodoo 2. pl_badwater 3. pl_frontier_b2
Instagib CTF 4on4 Cup: Round 3
Also at the Instagib CTF Cup we have reached the third round. Due to the random seeding in this cup, the probably most amazing match will be played in this round. Ripulipimpsat with known players like m0re and agron is meeting
EMT, the favorites with people like hymzi, bybben and Masiina in their roster. Watch out for possible Source TV if you are interested in watching this match!
Round 3: Details
- [Cup Tree] – [Specific rules]
- Schedule deadline: Sunday 22th March, 23:59 CET
- Match deadline: Sunday 29th March, 23:59 CET
- Maps: 1. ctf_geothermal_b2 2. ctf_turbine (3. ctf_impact2)
Basketball 2on2 Cup: Round 4
On the basketball court we are one step ahead. The remaining 16 teams out of 104 are meeting in the 4th Round. Some high skilled teams like .pt (Coinz & Haunter),
Haircut and Sailor (appe & haza),
DATS (Nitro & Mr. Peckerston) or
Blackxploitation (appz & Fiend) are still in and trying to shoot as much hoops as possible to reach the further rounds. Good luck to all!
Round 4: Details
- [Cup tree] – [Specific rules]
- Schedule deadline: Sunday 22th March, 23:59 CET
- Match deadline: Sunday 29th March, 23:59 CET
Scout 2on2 Cup: Future
As it looks like Valve is nasty and don’t want to add a new cvar for removing First Blood on arena maps. We decided for another forum vote where every participating 2on2 team is allowed to vote in. Please tell us your opinion until coming Sunday, 23:59 CET. [Forum Thread]
Vote options
a) Change to normal ctf/cp maps with a timelimit of 15 minutes/map
b) Change to normal ctf/cp maps with a winlimit of 5 captures
c) OMG WTF no arena maps??!!! Let’s just stop this cup.
d) I agree to a)/b) but would like to play with a winlimit/timelimit of XX minutes/captures
you failed to mention the israeli team GLC which will probably go to the bball finals.
No it won’t.
GLC still have to play against Bello, and I would say that Bello is going to win :D
can you please give us a new default date for the first round scout 1on1 cup?
the last default date was on the date or one date later as there was the news about the pause in the cup, so we did not played yet our first round match
It seems the BNC are blending in..
the BNC sticks out like a welsh-black-guy in china
option e) plugin to remove first blood
I talked with Mike and he said it should be easy to create a plugin for that.
There seems to be something wrong with the instagib+geothermal combination as players crash a few seconds after being killed. This happened on two different servers so it might be troublesome for the round 3 as geothermal should be the first map played.
Valve released a fix last night, it might have fixed it: http://store.steampowered.com/news/2363/
I vote for e) plugin to remove first blood
f) play with first blood
vote for e) a plugin to remove this shitty thing