Congratulations to our winners
January 6, 2009
It is time to end several tournaments here at the ETF2L. We would like to congratulate everyone who won, and thank everyone else who participated. We enjoyed it, i hope you did aswell. The following competitions have ended:
Season 3
Season 3 of our main event, the ETF2L league officially started the 25th of august, and it was a long one. The last match has been played last sunday, 18 weeks later. It took some time, but we have got ourselves a winning team. Ubersexuals beat
Team CoolerMaster 2 maps to 1 in the final match. At its height, the match had near 700 spectators on sourceTV, which is an amazing number. The season is now put away in our archives. If you feel the need to look back on your past matches, you can find it here [Link].
Congratulations to our Season 3 champions
Arena cup #1
The final of our arena cup was played between arena:fader and
Hadouken arena. Hadouken managed to win the match, after losing the first map to fader. Congratulations to Hadouken for winning this cup! A full overfiew of this tournament can be found in our archives [Link]
TFTrue 1 day cup
You might recognize the winners of this one. It’s the Ubersexuals. They won this tryout of the new server plugin called TFTrue, for which we congratulate them. An archived version of this cup can be found here: [Link]
There has been a lot of discussion about whether or not to use this plugin in all official matches to eliminate random damage. The outcome of this discussion is yet unknown. For a full overview of what this plugin does, and the discussion that surrounds it, have a look in this forum thread: [Link]
Season 4 map picks
A reminder: you have just over 2 days to pick your maps for season 4. Please don’t forget to do so. Map picks close coming thursday at 23:59 CET. You can find the map selection page here: [Link]
Quite unbelievable that there isn’t any demos from the finals.
It’s very unfortunate that we don’t have any good demos. Cause of the hacker attacking the servers we switched server like 5 times, restarted maps, etc. I alone got 8 demos from this 3 map game.
:(( IP logs? *harr*
Got demo from my pov on granary and 20 mins of turbine ._ . !
ubersexuals take it all :]
got engineer POV demo from the finals on turdbine! :p
Congratulations to ze vinners and a big well done to the admins and all who took part.
One love!
really nice ubersexual ! and thx for good job admins ! :)
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