Merry Christmas to 250 teams!
December 24, 2008
First of all, honour to whom honour is due: big congratulations to ryb from 4 Kings who gained the title “Player of the Season”. Grats also to
bybben for reaching the 2nd and
dunc for reaching the 3rd place in our poll!
After Season 3 is like accomplished now, we are looking forward to Season 4. After the amazing Sign-Up-Phase with over 250 registered teams in less than 7 days, we would like to wish all teams a Merry Christmas and much fun in our upcoming Season:
European (41 teams): -Dead.Face-, 4 Kings, 69ER Gaming Community, Anonymous Gamers, Barbecue team, BLITZ, Casey Ryback Wannabes, eL Diablo’s Brigade, enixe, equilibrium, fragMative, Fun Until Someone Loses an Eye, Ghostbusters, Guru Gaming, Hampshire Heavies 2nd Team, I Don’t Know?, IceWind, Imperox Esports, International Special Force, Kevlar Bullets, MM2 Team, Monkey Gamers, More Brains, Nervous.tf2, Ninth Gaming, northwave.gaming, plan-B.retired, Rock, Paper, Scissors, SpecialAttack, Team Druidz, Team Fruit, Team[X]treme, The Hampshire Heavies, The Imperial, They Kick Ass, Totally Totalitarian, Ubersexuals, unbindAll, weapons of the rebellion, Weapons Of The Rebelion 2, Yurop Extrim
Germany (35 teams): Ansammlung Laestiger Krieger, C.S.L Reloaded, cause we can, Clan-Germany, Die Doppelnullen, Die Philosoffen, Digital X-Plosiv, Disturbed Gamers, elected, Erdnuckels, Explicit-Content!, Game Control | Red, Gods of Egypt, guinneX, Hobbygam0r, Keine halben Sachen, KomaCrew, M4Pw, plan-B, r@ts, Racoon, ScArYsUcKeR, Soldiers at Work, Special farmer´s medicine, Special Marine Soldiers, Special Marine Soldiers 2, Team-Xplosion, Terror Without Order, Terror Without Order 2,, Unterwasserpyromanen,,, veAre.silver, Vendetta in each room
Russia (33 teams): 40 degrees, AuToBoTs, chaotic community, Cryoemia, Dark Force, Dekrowning, Distort Reality, dmg., dmg-2, Electro Clan, FBM, Final Team, Final Team 2, Genesis TeaM, hypercube, Immortals2, it, Last Man Standing, LOL Team, loveninjas, Lulz Team, Nameless TF2 Squad, Old Quake School, Quick Brown Fox, Revenge, Saint Piterzburg, se7en, Team Slayers, TFB, Who Dares Wins, Yummy Elite Sausages, [BloodMeat], [dT]
United Kingdom (21 teams): Back off Bitch!, boX?1, CantFitMyN, Clan Crazy, clanda, DCSB Red Team, Dead Cows Strike Back, diced: Reloaded, epic-clan, epic2, fight club united kingdom, Gaming Masters Falcons Squad, HellJumpers, Knifeback Mountaineers, Mafia, Necrotic United Brothers, Pure, Special Air Services, Team CoolerMaster, the Exponential Pwnage eXperience, Whats in the boX? 2
France (19 teams): #RofL, *B@D*, Bande2oufs, BEC Team, clickNplay, ColorZ, Fonce t’as L’uber pov’ Bite!, IPBP, Lapinou Team, Les Douze Salopards, ouF Team, pancake, paradox, ptt., redline, S4Y-Multigaming, Timmy And The Fratellis, warrior of legend, XCalibur
Sweden (12 teams): decapitate the exicutioners, eXhale, eXhale 2, Forever-Gaming.TF2, Gurka*, hb0da, jAgarna, Känner IngenTing, klan:fader, starLike, TEAM SdX’08, TEAM SdX’98
Finland (10 teams): Blood Pressure, c0ck, Care Bears, Clan Troopers, Crack Clan, cvx, Gypsy Xylophone Gang, Piggy Bankers, The MIPC Organization, Virtual Troopers
CzechRepublic (9 teams): Cavaliers BLUE, Cavaliers RED, Czech tactiX TF2 B squad, CZech tactiX TF2A, Ethanol Monkeys, imperial, imPerial team 2, Pixel Warriors, Team Defiance
Italy (9 teams): Allied Serial Killers + Associazione CRY, eXplosion C4, GoV, GoV Blu, I Gladiatori, Impact, QuiD Multigaming 2, Smart Move, Titans
Spain (8 teams): Brigada SoS, failure as Gamers <3, Freedom Fighters, Iron Sharks, knock0ut, OverGame e-Sports, Pajaros de Barro, PeK e-sports
International (5 teams): Fake, Nervous Energy, Shut Up and Play, Team Ratchet, Urban TerroristZ
Hungary (6 teams): .point Guards, Argo, Cel-Shaded Army, Crit Rocket, Extreme Duo, Rogues in TF2
Latvia (5 teams): bmp, nonamerz, Old boys, ppb, Royal Dynasty
Poland (5 teams): FPS-Arena Team, Panacea, Rejected, Semper Fidelis, total llamas
Ukraine (4 teams): Chancy Team, Drunk Cowboys, Oh My God It Is, ReVival
Benelux (4 teams): Gathering of Tweakers Team 1, Gathering of Tweakers Team 2, Gathering of Tweakers Team 3, Black hawk down 1
England (3 teams): 9 Men, Cable internet Clan, Maximum^2
Luxembourg (3 teams): MTF.Gaming, MTF.Gaming 2, QpiK Gaming
Norway (3 teams): Brigaden, Pul Kai, Red Brigade
Portugal (3 teams): Never-Ending Twilight, The Conquers, Veni, vidi, Dormivi
Austria (2 teams): HerbsArmy, Robert Hartlauer Syndikat
Belgium (2 teams): powerseed!, Squad Killer 10
The Netherlands (2 teams): FakkelBrigade, Fakkel Brigade 2
Turkey (2 teams): Smash Project RED Squad, The Smash Project
Belarus (1 team): RabbidS
Bulgaria (1 team): Redemption
Israel (1 team): eSrael
Scotland (1 team): Red Eyed Jedis
Season 4: Waiting List
Your team didn’t get one of the 250 spots but still want to participate in Season 4? Feel free to join our Waiting List and grab a spot if one of the signed up teams is folding. If you don’t miss any Sign-Up Requirement, an admin will contact you when a suiting spot is free.
- Minimum of 6 players with correct Steam ID on your teams’ roster.
- Minimum of 2 different contact methods entered
- Set your correct skill level. Please be honest on rating your own team, it will help us doing correct Division seedings.
>>> SIGN UP LINK <<<
Merry Christmas guys from Hungary! :D
Happy Chrismahanukwanzakah one and all.
Merry Christmas to ETF2L admins and all participating teams :) :)
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