3rd Cup finished, New Request Forum
September 19, 2008
The 3rd Cup is over! But don’t feel sad because you missed the final – you didn’t. Finalist Dead Cows Strike Back had to forfeit the Final after the team folded a while ago. Due to this their opponent
Team CoolerMaster (formerly known as Weapons of the Rebelion) are winning the Cup Title from
4 Kings by default and are our new Cup Title Holders! Congratulations!
3rd Cup Final Standings [Archive]
1st –
Team CoolerMaster
2nd –
Dead Cows Strike Back
3rd –
Excello &
Of course we will go on with our regular Cup Tournament and are happy to announce the 4th ETF2L Cup will happen soon! We will publish more information and probably some Public Polls about it soon… :)
New Competition Request Forum
Another short notice on the new created Competition Request Forum, which can be used to request any special competition. Always wanted to participate in a Highlander Cup? Waiting till the start of TF2 for a serious Flametrooper 1on1 League? Open a thread, get supporting replies for it and the chances for your requested competition will rise!
Congratz to new european champs! :]
Whats a Flametrooper 1on1? :O
congrats to wotr :)