Sign-Ups closing, IRC Live Drawing, New Partner & more
May 27, 2008
3rd Cup Sign-Ups closing!
The 3rd Cup Sign-Up-Phase is ending soon. A complete overview about all current participants can be found at our Teams-List.
We also would like to invite our recently new registered teams to join our Steam Group and/or our big IRC Channel #etf2l @ QuakeNet.
Spots taken: 128/128 – Cup is full, Sign-Ups closed (if your signed up team died lately, pls contact us)
Your team isn’t signed up yet and would like to play in the biggest Team Fortress 2 Cup in history? Have a look at our detailed Sign-Up instructions.
Random Live Drawing at our IRC Channel
Our big 3rd Cup – Round 1 Live IRC Draw will take place next Sunday, 1st June 2008, at around 19:00 CET. Every interested player is invited to join our IRC Channel #etf2l @ QuakeNet where the Draw will take place.
After the draw is over, all Fixtures will be published at our League Site and Round 1 games are supposed to be scheduled and played. A detailed timetable can be found in the FAQ and in the end of this post.
3rd Cup Map System
Decided by our public vote league will set Default Maps for every Round. Map Picks for first 3 Rounds will be announced at our Live IRC Drawing on Sunday.
New Partner: Pwnage.TV
We are proud to announce a new partner for our league: Pwnage.TV will do some Top-Match coverages with live video stream and commentary. We will keep you informed in the near future!
Season 2
The last 2 Weeks have started right away; our 2nd Season is ending soon. We sadly had to accept some more drops like current Division 1 Leader Fracture. Most of the team members decided to try some new game for fresh motivation.
The remaining 6 Division 1 Teams are still up and trying their best reaching the 1st Position. The Top 3, still keeping up all chances to become Season 2 title holders with 2 games remaining each.
Rest Program Top 3
4 Kings vs.
Weapons of the Rebelion
4 Kings vs.
The Last Resort
Excello vs.
Blood Pressure
Excello vs.
Clan United
Clan United vs.
The Last Resort
All other Divisions are running very close generally (beside some exceptions like Clones-Inc which are dominating their Division 5a with an amazing win streak of +16). We wish every team good luck for your remaining games in Season 2!
Please also schedule your Week 8 Matches as soon as possible and play your matches! If you have problems contacting your opponent open a thread in our Challenge Forum.
Rules Update – Gravelpit + Dustbowl scoring system
Due to the included StopWatch-Mode we decided to change our score system for cp_gravelpit and cp_dustbowl:
- cp_gravelpit: 2 rounds have to be played (with Stopwatch Mode). Every round counting for itself (result can be 2:0, 1:1, 0:2).
- cp_dustbowl: 1 round has to be played (with Stopwatch Mode).
Please submit gravelpit results with 2:0, 1:1 or 0:2 in the future, dustbowl score is supposed to be submitted 1:0 or 0:1.
Beside that we are in need to ban some new scripts:
- Any kind of “MegaJump script” is forbidden. A player using a “MegaJump script” in a league game will be punished.
- Any kind of “FastShoot script” is forbidden. A player using a “FastShoot script” in a league game will be punished.
Website Changes
As most of you should have noticed we had some website changes with a new updated structure and a big total new Feature “Fun Cups“. In fact we decided to make a regular Season summer break after Season 2 ended.
During this summer break we will have some nice organized Fun Cups in almost all possible Gamemodes ( like 6on6, 4on4, 3on3, 2on2 or 1on1). We will keep you informed with detailed information soon.
3rd Cup – Timetable
Round 1
Schedule Deadline: Sunday, 8th June 2008, 23:59 CET
Game Deadline: Sunday, 15th June 2008, 23:59 CET
Round 2
Schedule Deadline: Sunday, 22th June 2008, 23:59 CET
Game Deadline: Sunday, 29th June 2008, 23:59 CET
Round 3
Schedule Deadline: Sunday, 6th July 2008, 23:59 CET
Game Deadline: Sunday, 13th July 2008, 23:59 CET
what is megajump?
you can make a “double jump”/megajump with all classes
These 5 teams also have perfect winning streaks:
dmg.: 8 wins
DCSB Red Team: 12 wins
Totally Totalitarian: 10 wins
eL Diablo’s Brigade: 12 wins
Tribunal Team: 12 wins
And DSCB Red team owns!
why only the player? should ban the team tbh.
Pwnage.TV is nice!