Divisions Final, Mappick open
December 21, 2007
Divisions and Fixtures are final, the mappick is open now. Have a look at the Rules page for detailed map rule information. Your map picks won’t be published before general mappick is closed. Every team is supposed to pick their maps till the 02.01.2008. You can pick your maps here. All mappicks will be published one day later.
Notice: You can pick every map only three times.
The 1st Game Week will be from 07.01.-13.01.2008. From this week on you will have to play one ETF2L match every week. You will schedule every game by contacting other team’s leader and post the scheduled game with exact date and time in our Calendar after. We please everyone to read our complete Rules page
Notice: In Division 1, 3a and 3b one team has to sit out every game week.
We have also added a new results submission page where clan admins can now submit results and map screenshots all in one go. We would appreciate it if the clan admins from the cup games that have already been played could re-submit their results along with the match screenshots. The page can be found on your dashboard titled: “Submit Cup Results”. Beside some work on the site we decided to change our poll system. From now on only registered people can vote. Registering is very easy, you can do it here.
We would also please every team leader to perform our IRC channel #etf2l @ QuakeNet. For better organization, team leaders will get auto voice from now on.
We also opened some prediction votes as you can see below, have fun voting. You can also discuss about your predictions at our forum thread.
We wish everybody a Merry Christmas.
Total Voters: 61Who will be ETF2L Season 1 Champion?
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Total Voters: 64Who will win Division 2a?
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Total Voters: 58Who will win Division 2b?
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its nice to be underestimated 8]