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Pyro  High/Mid Skill, 6v6

France Olgha

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, i want to test a full time pyro i'm not even joking, i left my team just for that because raf doesn't want to test this, add me to know more about !

Any other demand to make me play another class will be rejected

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:95046319 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Virtus Brah [6v6] Kounaa
Left /for fence [6v6] Olgha
Joined /for fence [6v6] Brujman
Left Yeti Gang [6v6] Olgha
Left France [National Highlander Team] Kaylus
Left France [National 6v6 Team] Opti
Joined Fanny Legacy [2v2] Raf
Joined Yeti Gang [6v6] Pupute
Left ★★★½ [6v6] Olgha
Left Jamien [Highlander] deli69
Joined Jamien [Highlander] marcel
Left inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Joined inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Left Pizzaz in the oven! [Highlander] Olgha
Joined Pizzaz in the oven! [Highlander] lybon
Left Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Olgha
Joined ★★★½ [6v6] BackFlip59
Joined France [National 6v6 Team] Corbac
Left Velocity eSports [6v6] Olgha
Joined Velocity eSports [6v6] nuze
Left Velocity eSports [6v6] Olgha
Joined Velocity eSports [6v6] nuze
Joined Dernier Train pour Nointel-Mours [6v6 Fun Team] Raf
Left MONSOON [6v6] Olgha
Joined MONSOON [6v6] Boulon_
Left MONSOON [6v6] Olgha
Joined MONSOON [6v6] deli69
Left MONSOON [6v6] Olgha
Left Fanny Legacy [2v2] Olgha
Joined Tourettes Chessclub [Highlander] Fragm3nt3d
Left BAITTECH [Highlander] cobz
Joined MONSOON [6v6] Boulon_
Left ★★★½ [6v6] Olgha
Joined BAITTECH [Highlander] cobz
Joined ★★★½ [6v6] Raf
Joined Fanny Legacy [2v2] Raf
Left ★★★½ [6v6] Olgha
Left Fanny Legacy [2v2] Olgha
Joined Olgha for the win [1v1] Olgha
Joined France [National Highlander Team] ElazulTF2
Joined ★★★½ [6v6] Raf
Left E.P.T.H [6v6] Olgha
Joined Fanny Legacy [2v2] Raf
Joined E.P.T.H [6v6] Ramagan
Left ★★★½ [6v6] Olgha
Joined ★★★½ [6v6] Raf
Left BackGet Foolery [6v6] Kaylus
Joined BackGet Foolery [6v6] Kaylus
Left La Cliquezher [LAN Team] Olgha
Left Dernier Train pour Nointel-Mours [6v6 Fun Team] Olgha
Left BackGet Foolery [6v6] Olgha
Joined BackGet Foolery [6v6] Kaylus
Left BackGet Foolery [6v6] Olgha
Joined BackGet Foolery [6v6] Kaylus
Left Karibou.tf [Highlander] Raf
Joined Karibou.tf [Highlander] Raf
Joined Dernier Train pour Nointel-Mours [6v6 Fun Team] Raf
Joined La Cliquezher [LAN Team] deli69
Left Type8 [6v6] Elacour
Joined Type8 [6v6] Toshi
Left Momentum eSports [Highlander] Olgha
Left Petit ours brun [6v6 Fun Team] Olgha
Left Petit ours brun [6v6 Fun Team] Olgha
Left Riz-VolutiOn [2v2] Olgha
Left ★★★½ [6v6] Olgha
Joined ★★★½ [6v6] Raf
Joined Momentum eSports [Highlander] Kaylus
Left for games on DESURA [Highlander] Olgha
Left BackGet Foolery [6v6] Elite
Joined BackGet Foolery [6v6] Elite
Left orKs eSport [6v6] hamza
Joined Petit ours brun [6v6 Fun Team] Olgha
Joined for games on DESURA [Highlander] hamza
Left sBooB Team [Highlander] Olgha
Joined orKs eSport [6v6] hamza
Left BackGet Foolery [6v6] Olgha
Joined Riz-VolutiOn [2v2] Elite
Left Russain Bolt [6v6 Fun Team] Olgha
Left bjr [2v2] Olgha
Joined sBooB Team [Highlander] Osman
Joined BackGet Foolery [6v6] Elite
Left Enemies of War [6v6] Olgha
Joined Enemies of War [6v6] Celestre
Left BackGet Foolery [6v6] Olgha
Joined Russain Bolt [6v6 Fun Team] Ganon
Left Aeternia Highlander Team [Highlander] Olgha
Joined bjr [2v2] itanix
Joined Aeternia Highlander Team [Highlander] Haxydro
Left LSD Factory [Highlander] Olgha
Left Riz-VolutiOn [2v2] Elite
Joined LSD Factory [Highlander] dash.
Joined Riz-VolutiOn [2v2] Elite
Joined BackGet Foolery [6v6] Elite

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem/High 4 697
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View Prem 15 995
View Prem 24 1452
View Prem 15 894
View Prem 10 1461
View High 4 719
View Mid/High 9 1496


  1. Raf: pen15 - hlpugs said:

    next muuki but without skills

  2. Raf: pen15 - hlpugs said:

    can do well in pyro in the right team

  3. Raf: pen15 - hlpugs said:

    *as pyro

    sorry olgha

  4. chris: REMOVE - buud$cult said:

    very large fragger man on Solly, SCOOT, and lastly Deemo.

    I see no reason why this wouldnt work.

  5. Ama: /ff said:

    will surely prove his point, big lad pick him up

  6. Mino: apt said:


    Je viens apporter mon expérience en tant que joueur de bon niveau en plus d’être malin :
    -J’ai fait plusieurs LAN’s françaises et une LAN européenne
    -Je suis au courant des stratégies actuelles faites à haut niveau puisque je joue regulierement à ce niveau
    -J’ai toujours eu de bons résultats en saison européenne dans le High tier
    -Je sais jouer toutes les classes plus ou moins au même niveau

    Je peux coacher votre équipe pour savoir quelles sont les choses a faire pour chaque situation de la partie, des placements allant jusqu’à la cohésion de groupe.
    Je peux aussi jeter un oeil à vos performances individuelles et vous dire quelles sont les choses à faire pour vous améliorer pour atteindre votre meilleur niveau.
    Je propose une offre à 40 euros pour la saison avec tous les services cités ci dessus, ce qui reviendrais à 6,70 euros par personne pour la saison. Il s’agit d’une initiative afin d’aider notre équipe à aller en Suède pour la Swelan.

    Vous pouvez m’ajouter sur Steam si vous êtes interressé.

  7. Funs said:

    He’s not even joking.

  8. Poison: HOUND said:

    Can confirm, I have trials tomorrow because I speak french very well, my dad is a wine lover. Daccord.