Experimental Highlander One-Night-Cup #6 sponsored by scrap.tf: Mid Bracket

Quarter Final

Round commencing: -

Result deadline:

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by UltimatePopcorn. (Northern Lightning)



2 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

Ukraine The Dumping Ground vs European Northern Lightning
0 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A B


The Dumping Ground (9) Steve, fonexi.a, Maxi, Zesty, stephen, gouldie, BoneSponge, torrit, molesto
Northern Lightning (9) Teatime, Sangburd, ORTEGA, Tiberius Maximus, Ruskeydoo, dabeste92, Duckmamoll, Hng, UltimatePopcorn.



  1. Default Date said:

    A default date has been set for this match by ETF2L.
    The default date is: Saturday, 28 February 2015, 19:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
    If the default date does not suit you, please contact your opponent and ask them to reschedule.

  2. Duckmamoll: TSolidus - Kiwi said:

    connect fr.fakkelbrigade.eu:27015; password _1420284906035 that’s the server connect

  3. torrit said:

    streaming this shit at twitch.tv/torrit

  4. fonexi.a said:

    streaming this shit at twitch.tv/torrit

  5. R4ndom: Devon said:

    Why u report bro? :(

  6. gouldie said:

    wtf you reported us for flaming?

  7. stephen said:


  8. ETF2L Staff said:

    Minor warning for Nothern Lightning for a violation of the pause rule. You have to ask your opponent for a pause. Dont pause yourself.

    3.8 Teams may request a pause if problems occur

    Teams may request a pause at any time during a match. Reasons for pausing can include:

    – Player drop

    – Server problems

    – The match is unplayable due to network issues

    If you need to pause, you must clearly request a pause and give a reason for it (for example: “Pause please, player drop”). The other team is then required to pause at the first appropriate time (e.g. not in the middle of a push). Teams must pause within 15 seconds of being asked. Not responding to a pause request will lead to penalties like a minor warning accompanied with the forfeit of the round in question, or, in extreme cases, a major warning and forfeit of the map.

    You may not resume the game under any circumstances without giving proper warning to the other team.

    Each team has the right to one pause per map.

    A pause may not last longer than 5 minutes.

    If your opponent allows a pause longer than 5 minutes or more than one pause you are expected to extend the same courtesy to them.

    Minor warning for the opposing team for spamming binds.

  9. torrit said:

    why would you report us for flaming?

  10. gouldie said:

    the lengths some people will go to get a default win “Northern Lightning” showed their colours tonight.

  11. fonexi.a said:

    unbelieveable, why would you report us? we played a fair shair of a game and you guys won. nothing to be offensive for, nothing to be reported. jesus gomes.

  12. R4ndom: Devon said:

    People try so hard to get a default even though they already won, disgusting.

  13. UltimatePopcorn.: Popsy said:

    We didn’t report you guys ._.

  14. Hng: ET said:

    why would we report for flaming when we already won l0l

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