Highlander Season 1

Division 5L

Week 3

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by nkdy (lolgg)



1 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]

UnitedStates lolgg vs UnitedStates Team ERG
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A B


lolgg (9) Jamish, t0asterb0t, nkdy, Frond, rg2004, Alpheron, Artificial, Canadianbaconator, Double Rainbow
Team ERG (9) The F-Bomb, Gingercore, OK, Mechasexual, Associate_Dixon, ericruthgames, Professor Moriarty, Bree, Velox


  • Map 2 (cp_gravelpit): Source TV [Pruned] by Alpheron (117 Downloads)
  • Map 1 (pl_upward): Source TV [Pruned] by Alpheron (115 Downloads)


  1. nkdy: CP10 said:

    We’re looking to schedule this match, do you have any times in mind?

  2. Frond: [lolgg] said:

    Would either of the following times work for you?

    04/12/2011 03:00 CET

    05/12/2011 03:00 CET

  3. Alpheron: [lolgg] said:

    If we ever do get this match scheduled, we have a server available in Chicago at lolgg.game.nfoservers.com. The password is bonk.

    If someone from your team wants to message me on Steam, I can set you up with the rcon password so you can exec configs.

  4. nkdy: CP10 said:

    Not to be mean, but the fact that no one will respond to our requests is probably why ERG has fallen behind. We’d appreciate it if we didn’t put the rest of the league behind as well seeing as we’re currently in week 4 and we’d like to not put everyone in a pinch.

  5. ericruthgames: ERG said:

    Saturday is best for us, I think. Its tough to rally everyone together and figure out schedules. Sorry for the delay. Will Saturday work for you? 9pm?

  6. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 04 December 2011, 03:00
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  7. nkdy: CP10 said:

    Saturday works. However, what time zone is “9pm” in? Most of us are in CST. The match is scheduled for 2000 (8pm) CST on Saturday, but if it works better to play 9pm CST for you we can do that.

  8. ericruthgames: ERG said:

    Argh! Sorry! I keep forgetting that we’re in different time zones. We’re on the east coast, so I think its 8pm for CST if I’m not mistaken? So…Saturday…8pm for you/9pm for us? Thats cool, right?

  9. nkdy: CP10 said:

    If there are no objections we’ll use our server, at the address Alpheron posted. Please contact him if you want to check configs or setups.

  10. Bree: ERG said:

    Your server is fine. But we still need to work out a date for the match, because I’m really not sure the current time is going to work for us.

  11. nkdy: CP10 said:

    At this point we intend to play the match at the scheduled time. You can propose an alternate time to us before the scheduled match, and if it works with our team we will agree to shift the match. However getting a hold of all 9 players isn’t exactly easy, so the likelyhood of us being able to move the match isn’t guaranteed. If you are unable to gather enough players you can choose to default loss or use your wildcard to reschedule the match. Please refer to the rules set with rules questions.

  12. Bree: ERG said:

    I’ve proposed Sunday, the 4th, at 9pm EST. If that doesn’t work for you guys, we will use our wildcard. Sorry about all the trouble.

  13. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    Due to the request of one of the teams you may schedule this game up to 24 hours later than the deadline.


  14. Alpheron: [lolgg] said:

    I’ve uploaded the SourceTV demos to etf2l; they should be approved in a bit. I logged onto the server about a half hour before our match to check that everything was set up, so the pl_upward one has a pretty lengthy lead time.

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