Season 9

Division 5e

Week 7

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by baerbel (Team Fleisch)



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

CzechRepublic imPerial vs Germany Team Fleisch
0 - 6

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A B C


Team Fleisch (6) baerbel, wegi, juckrebel, Khan, Stivil, Meuki
imPerial (5) Remi, zelda_28, Switch, Pigi, murda
Unrostered (1) Rok0s


  1. vlm said:

    hey, we play only on mondays, wednesdays and sundays so pick a suitable date for you between 9.5. and 16.5.

  2. MeuKi: fleisch! - said:

    We might have to use a wildcard, not too sure about that though. I’ll let you know asap

  3. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by Team Fleisch.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 23/05/2011.

  4. vlm said:

    we have scheduled esl match on 16.05 at that time so pick another. we usually play on tuesdays, wednesdays and sundays.

  5. MeuKi: fleisch! - said:

    How about we play before your ESL Match then? Like at 20:00 CEST? Or maybe monday the 23rd?

  6. vlm said:

    can’t play it before esl, because our 2 players come home at 21:00 on mondays, so we usually play esl matches without proper warmup… anyways, i tried to move our another esl match on 23rd but no response yet. we’ll be available to play on tuesday 17th at 20:00/21:00, wednesday 18th at 21:00 or sunday 22th at 20:00/21:00

  7. MeuKi: fleisch! - said:

    any news about the 23rd yet?

  8. vlm said:

    our esl match will be wildcarded probably so we can play on 23rd at 21:15, if you agree just accept the date in calendar.

  9. ouch said:

    Seit Jahrtausenden werden Tiere von Menschen geschlachtet oder gejagt; hierdurch entstehen – eventuell nach Veredelung (d. h. Verarbeitung) – Fleischprodukte wie Pökelfleisch oder Wurstwaren.

    Go Go Team Fleisch!

  10. MeuKi: fleisch! - said:


  11. baerbel: trick17 - trick17 said:

    hey there, we got a .de server for this match:

    connect; password etf2l4go

  12. MeuKi: fleisch! - said:

    merc is accepted

  13. MeuKi: fleisch! - said:


  14. vlm said:


  15. medfoo: trick17 said:

    brbl carrybeast!

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