Season 8 Powered by SteelSeries

Division 3c

Week 4

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Vladi (TF2 is dead)



4 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]



2 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]

European TF2 is dead vs Finland The MIPC Organization
6 - 0

Active Wildcards:

SteamID Screenshots: A


TF2 is dead (5) rge, reCon, Vladi, bm, miz.stony
The MIPC Organization (5) Tunttu, GeneSIS^, miikka, Cauthon, NeuRo
Unrostered (2) ., Karhunen


  1. GeneSIS^: [MIPC] said:

    18.11 21:00cet
    or 23.11 21:00cet

  2. Vladi: TIDS said:

    will take a look when the dates are closer – havent got the working hours of my people yet for that time.

  3. Vladi: TIDS said:

    Vladlav Vladistan: hey mate
    Vladlav Vladistan: will we play on tuesday?
    Vladlav Vladistan: because if not, when will u wildcard?
    [MIPC]GeneSIS^: yea we will wildcard it
    [MIPC]GeneSIS^: ill do it tonight

  4. Wildcard said:

    A wildcard has been taken for this match by The MIPC Organization.
    You must reschedule and play this game before 02/12/2010.

  5. Vladi: TIDS said:

    Emma Watson: hey
    Emma Watson: when do you guys wanna play the match?
    Emma Watson: wait until end of november?
    [MIPC]GeneSIS^: i dont know right now, few of us are going for holiday and dont know when they are back
    Emma Watson: hum
    Emma Watson: okay

  6. Vladi: TIDS said:

    Vladi shows his Penis: ok thing is
    Vladi shows his Penis: as i told u some roster problems right now
    Vladi shows his Penis: we have no problem with 21:25 tomorrow though
    Vladi shows his Penis: its scheduled for 21:15would that be ok for you
    Vladi shows his Penis: ?=
    [MIPC]GeneSIS^: yep
    Vladi shows his Penis: nice
    Vladi shows his Penis: second thing
    Vladi shows his Penis: we wont need a merc
    Vladi shows his Penis: BUT
    Vladi shows his Penis: we have picked up a new demoman
    Vladi shows his Penis: whoi is in roster
    Vladi shows his Penis: bbut he wont be verified till tomorrow
    Vladi shows his Penis: but we wouldve picked him up anway
    Vladi shows his Penis: is it ok for him to play since our old “maindemo”
    [MIPC]GeneSIS^: ok np :P
    Vladi shows his Penis: is in barracks
    Vladi shows his Penis: at military
    Vladi shows his Penis: thanks a lot.

  7. Vladi: TIDS said:

    [MIPC]GeneSIS^: we will use karhunen then
    Vladi shows his Penis: the
    Vladi shows his Penis: unverified player?
    Vladi shows his Penis: ofcourse u can
    Vladi shows his Penis: same justice for everyone
    Vladi shows his Penis: even if u can pick him up thursday
    [MIPC]GeneSIS^: he cant join roster until thursday
    [MIPC]GeneSIS^: they got last game with his game thursday
    [MIPC]GeneSIS^: he joins us after it

  8. hoppi: TIDS said:

    make me proud!

  9. Roque: brz - [hePPa] said:

    genesis will win

  10. .: cc// said:


  11. dietschey said:

    gj !

    now i think u can stay @ div 3

  12. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    Well, with 3 teams folding already, it’s not like we could finish 8th, 9th or 10th. Which wouldn’t have happened anyways, since we’ve beaten most of the teams that folded. :)

  13. bm: said:

    dietschey? achja, dass war ja dieser soli der schon ewig spielt ohne sich erkennbar zu verbessern! toi toi toi, bewundere deine geduld! xoxo

  14. Vladi: TIDS said:

    übrigens: kannst ja gern mal mit deinem team zu nem pcw vorbeischauen.
    dummer troll.

  15. dietschey said:

    oh oh oh :)

    flame & arrogant

    Thats what This Team is standing for , gj guys !
    U make us Germans proud.

    @ bm&Vladi
    Danke das ihr gleich so toll antwortet und es garnicht erst mit Niveau versucht :) , das ist wahre größe ! So macht man sich richtig zum Obst ^^ DANKE ! *trollface*

    Sei doch nicht so :( !
    Ich nehme es dir aber nicht übel, verstehe deine schlechte Laune über diese Season, aber
    das mit dem Hochmut und so, hattest du bestimmt schon mal irgendwo gelesen :>

    Ne sry,
    wir sind nicht gut genug für euer mind. div2 Team, welches in div3 gerade so durch 3 drops besteht.

    MOAR solcher Antworten PLS !

  16. Vladi: TIDS said:

    du verlangst niveau von uns nach so nem trollspruch von dir aus dem off?

  17. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    dietschey >1000 days on etf2l and still stuck in div5 rofl

  18. dietschey said:

    sweet skeej :)

    a div3 medic ^^ so cute :)

    I see u know all about me *g

  19. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    yes old div1 is like div6 now

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