Highlander Ladder 2010

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Carolus (Team Nub)



0 - 5

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0 - 1

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UnitedStates Spy Demo vs International Team Nub
0 - 2

SteamID Screenshots: A


Spy Demo (8) ducky, urai, Huntingtiger, Takerr, berrtech, Konvict, darkbooty23, Chriz Tah Fah
Team Nub (7) Jude, keelee, Devozade, Spyker, Mixa, Carolus, Mad Turkey
Unrostered (3) Illusion, Erinome, AuraMix


  1. Carolus: N. - nubs said:

    Hi, looks like we’re playing tomorrow. We’ve got a server if you want to use that.

  2. darkbooty23 said:

    That would be awesome! Thank you very much! :)

  3. Carolus: N. - nubs said:

    Cool, what do you want to do mapswise?

  4. darkbooty23 said:

    We were thinking about granary, badlands, or gravel pit. (I’m a noob to this competition stuff and I couldn’t figure out this map business. Sorry about that.)

  5. ducky said:

    Just a heads up to team nub, most of our members will be busy tomorrow during the time of the match so we may have to call it off.

  6. Carolus: N. - nubs said:

    First off, i’m also new to competitive, and wa kinda hoping you’d been able to figure out the map stuff :p
    Second, that’s a same if you can’t do the match, do you want to reschedule or call it off entirely? Just in case youdidn’t know, I *think* you’re allowed up to three mercs (nonteam players) if you can’t quite make up the team.

  7. Carolus: N. - nubs said:

    Ah, sorry, only just seen your schedule proposal. I’ll talk to y team about it, but off the top of my head, is there any chance of making it 22:00 CEST? it’s just that we’ve got a fair few european players an i’m not sure they’ll be able/want to play that late.

  8. Carolus: N. - nubs said:

    For maps, how about Badlands, Badwater and Gravelpit?

  9. darkbooty23 said:

    We need a server IP.

  10. darkbooty23 said:

    Also, we have a merc if you’ll allow him to play.

  11. Carolus: N. - nubs said:

    server IP is, You’re allowed up to three mercs anyway, so you don’t actually need my permission for it, but yes :p We’ve actually got two I’m afraid as we lost some players due to computer problems. I also added you on steam, so we can talk more easily there if you want.

  12. Jude!: notdoggo said:

    gg guyssssss :3

  13. Bert said:

    gg :>

  14. Carolus: N. - nubs said:

    Hey guys, can you verify the result please?

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