Season 7 powered by SteelSeries

Division 3d

Week 5

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Vad (unexist)



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A B ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A ]

Sweden HordeofQuotes vs Russia unexist
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


HordeofQuotes (6) bullen, Norrland3000, GangsterAlgot, Spank, frozza, Meta
unexist (6) HiTmAn47, HeZ, freeze, DSELR, sammie, Vad


  1. Vad said:

    Hello, can you play at Sunday 21st, 20:00 CET?

  2. GangsterAlgot said:

    Eternity is a philosophically hard nut to crack. Does eternity exist or not? This boils down to wether infinities exist or not. You can use infinities in math and have different grades of them thanks to Cantor, but do they really exist physically?
    For the sake of the argument lets assume they do. That gives us the possibility of eternity but doesn’t help us much in the way of proving its existance. A question that arrises is: Will the universe live for an eternity? Well, that depends on its expansion rate*. Based on the facts at hand it probably will. But that might change, the accelerated expansion we are experiencing right now might decrease to eventually stop and the universe might start decelerating.

    Only time will tell.

    Either way, I’m of to face Eternity.

    *Yes, it also depends on a couple other criteria that we don’t know about… The laws of physics we observe in our vicinity might be different elsewhere or there might be a universe eating monster out there on the hunt. But let’s disregard those for the time being.

  3. bullen said:

    Sigh, Prof. Algot!

  4. Spankstarr said:

    GangsterAlgot is someone you’d like to have at your side each time you do a bong hit.

  5. Vad said:

    cool story

  6. GangsterAlgot said:

    GG, really well played by Eternity

  7. Spankstarr said:

    Yes, gg – well played. Please let us know before youre next can of woopass kkthx :)

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