
LF Scout mentor

Created 13th June 2016 @ 14:01

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I’m a open scout who primarily plays around the combo. Im looking for preferably someone in high but any help is welcome. I can provide STVs and i can watch/play with you also.

Thanks a bunch


I can review a couple of demos if you are interested, I play pocket scout in high.


I’m not any good at scout but tbf everyone overrates the process of “becoming good.”
There was a time back then when I tried to play DM 1h/day, and I can tell you, DM-Wise, my game has improved a-lot. When I stopped, ofc, it became shitty iron-level DM again.
So basically, I am not saying im really able to review demos, but ill give you the following tips:
A] Be consistant. It’s a proven fact with some science things that will prove it, if you play every day (try hard to not miss a day) dm for around an hour a day, you will get better aim, in a month your aim can be twice as better as it was.
Old invite scout @yz50, if you’ve heard about him, played DM 5 hours a day. I am not saying you should play DM 5 hours a day, I am just giving you an example about how someone which actually cares about the game would commit to the process of “becoming good.”
Gamesense wise, just play the game. I really recommend watching @TFTV streams, either if its low prem, high prem, or even high playoffs. (Wait for the peril vs nL game, gonna be the best one this season c:)
A lot of people would say you should watch demos of prem players and learn from them, ehh I would say I don’t really recommend you to do that, first because they can afford to do A LOT more than you can because of their incredible aim, and second is because they also have comms which you can’t hear, unless its a youtube video, or an analyaze and in that case watch a bit if you have some time.
but most of all, the most important thing to do to improve is to PLAY THE GAME.
If you have heard about @ryb, the guy got to high div in around 1k hours, and into prem div in less than 2k hours. And how is that possible, you may ask? the guy has 2.3k hours in game, and around 2000 invested on demo, and all of those hours are invested on PUGS, MGE, Scrims/officals, etc. So really, playing the game in the right modes make you improve.
I AM not saying you should stop pubbing if its fun for you, the point of the game is to have fun, not to get into prem (unless you want to make a career out of the game which is kinda late rn) and damn i cant believe i wrote that much but yea thats my point basically.
play dm for around one hour a day, dont miss it.
watch TFTV streams, especially games to learn some stuff.

Last edited by Tamir,

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