
Looking for mentor for div 5/6 pocket

Created 12th August 2013 @ 22:01

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I would like to find a mentor to help me get rid of my passive playstyle as a pocket. I, at the moment, am taking a lot of heals and not doing much with them, I am not in the correct positions when we are pushing, not doing much damage as I am not jumping or getting spam on enemies, simply said I am too passive with my gameplay and I cannot get myself to do any better.

I hope someone would and could take their time to help me get better as I try to make my way to be TLR/Lansky/Mike.



Tell your clueless scouts to work the flank and roamer to go for plays and then you can be agressive with help of your great buddies.



That is happening at the moment, I am just underperforming and staying back while my team makes room for us to push with their skill.

I cannot really help myself on this since I am very inconsistent with my gameplay, sometimes I play awfully and sometimes very well and I would not mind mentoring in the long run since I still am the div 6 pocket from last season who can not really do that much. Just my positioning is something that I would like some help on and some tips and discussing the role with a more experienced pocket could open up the class for me a little more.

This might sound stupid to some people since: “You already know what your flaws are, do something about it!”

But the thing is I have sort of a clue of them as my team is noticing this more than I am even though I do realise these mistakes I am making.

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