
my team has registered on 6v6 24 season but we are still in 'waiting' position

Created 10th May 2016 @ 20:13

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our team has signed up for the 6v6 Etf2l 24 seasom comp. and from that moment it writes in the status of signup “Waiting (team name). What it means? all sgnups have closed but the status is same.
what do i need to do to correctly sign up?



Quoted from Kemor


k, i’ll belive you


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

Signups are still open though, your team is just on the waiting list like all other teams until we will make the final divisions. This will be done on Saturday in this week.



Honestly, during my so many years on etf2l I’ve seen a thread exactly identical to this one numerous times.

Maybe if the team signs up in time the message should be changed to something else instead of “You’re on the waiting list”, while the latter should be kept for teams that sign up after the deadline.

Something like “Team successfully registered” would do the job. That way there would be a lot less confusion coming from newer players.


@Latvia Clark, silly you, where would be the fun in that?

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