
Help me with a config pls :D

Created 21st June 2010 @ 20:35

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\V/ Gold

what should i do if i want to hide a specific viewmodel (in my case the grenadelauncher-viewmodel),but want to see the other viewmodels of that class?
So i want to hide the viewmodel of the pipelauncher but i want to see the viewmodel of the stickylauncher and the bottle.
Pls help :D
oh and pls write it in an easy way, cause i dont know much about configs



bind “MWHEELUP” “slot2; r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 80”
bind “MWHEELDOWN” “slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 80”
bind “q” “slot3; r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 80”

The simplest it can be. You can also add all sorts of stuff here as well. I run things like different crosshairs/colors/sizes for every slot and so on…

Last edited by Chux,



\V/ Gold

hmm ive tried crosshairswitcher now, but it rebinds my “q” button and because i dont switch my weapons with the “1,2,3…” keys or the “Mousewheeldown” ive got some suddenly appearing viewmodels :/
i also tried to install XHunters Slothandler but it failed. well sounds like im a noob.
i´ve also written the script chux gave me into my config but it has had no effect
so is there another way to help me?



//Set up the specific weapons so that they will change to auto-reload as required.
alias “weapon1” “slot1;r_drawviewmodel 0; alias nextweap select21; alias prevweap select31; alias select1 weapon1; alias select2 select21; alias select3 select31;”
alias “weapon2” “slot2;r_drawviewmodel 1; alias nextweap select32; alias prevweap select12; alias select1 select12; alias select2 weapon2; alias select3 select32;”
alias “weapon3” “slot3;r_drawviewmodel 1; alias nextweap select13; alias prevweap select23; alias select1 select13; alias select2 select23; alias select3 weapon3;”
//Set up the previous weapon toggle
alias “select12” “weapon1; alias toggleweap select21”
alias “select13” “weapon1; alias toggleweap select31”
alias “select21” “weapon2; alias toggleweap select12”
alias “select23” “weapon2; alias toggleweap select32”
alias “select31” “weapon3; alias toggleweap select13”
alias “select32” “weapon3; alias toggleweap select23”
//Initialize script
bind “q” “toggleweap”
bind “1” “select1”
bind “2” “select2”
bind “3” “select3”

in demoman.cfg

also, you should do this to all the diffrent classes with the options you like, for this script to work properly.


Do be

alias firstwep "slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 80"
alias secondwep "slot2; r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 80"
alias thirdwep "slot3; r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 80"

alias qswitch wep2;
alias wep2 "secondwep; alias qswitch wep1"
alias wep1 "firstwep; alias qswitch wep2"

bind Q qswitch
bind 1 firstwep
bind 2 secondwep
bind 3 thirdwep

Something like this. I think you get the idea.

LE: Haven’t seen the post above.

Last edited by punct,



alias nadelauncher “slot1;r_drawviewmodel 0”
alias stickylauncher “slot2;r_drawviewmodel 1”
alias bottle “slot3;r_drawviewmodel 1;”

alias “weapon1” “nadelauncher; alias Qswitch Qswitch2”
alias “weapon2” “stickylauncher; alias Qswitch Qswitch1”
alias “weapon3” “bottle; alias Qswitch Qswitch1”

alias “Qswitch” “Qswitch2”
alias “Qswitch1” “weapon1; alias Qswitch Qswitch2; alias Fswitch Fswitch2”
alias “Qswitch2” “weapon2; alias Qswitch Qswitch1; alias Fswitch Fswitch2”
bind “q” “qswitch”

some parts of my config :)

Last edited by Zappah,


\V/ Gold

ok thanks for the help , got it now! (finally) :D

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