
Проблемы с whitelist etf2l6th cup

Created 20th November 2012 @ 12:35

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Использую сервер Multiplay, загрузил whitelist, выполнил команды rcon mp_tournament_whitelist “etf2l_whitelist_6thcup”; rcon mp_tournament_restart консоль выдала только
Item Whitelist file ‘� � �etf2l_whitelist_6thcup’ could not be found. All items will be allowed. Соответственно включились все предметы

Как это можно пофиксить?


ist doof

Provided you have uploaded the etf2l_whitelist_6thcup.txt to your server’s cfg directory, you can enable it by typing your rcon password and then:

rcon mp_tournament_whitelist "cfg/etf2l_whitelist_6thcup.txt";rcon mp_tournament_restart

Notice that cfg/ and .txt were missing before. That is a mistake.

And no, I don’t speak Russian, I saw and understood this by accident :D

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