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[FAQ] Forum Guidelines & Tutorials

Created 8th January 2009 @ 20:30

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RaWr ::

A very simple guidline for this specific forum, please follow them :)

NO FLAME – This is the most important one, regardless if you think the movie is bad, theres no need to just say “This movie is pants…etc”

Constructive Comments – This ties in nicely with the above, if you are going to comment on a movie, try and be constructive. If you think a movie is good or bad, say so and give a couple reasons.

Thats pretty much it, people who constantly break rules will be banned.


On a slightly nicer note, I’d like to use this thread as a small tutorial for you guys to read/update with tips on how to create movies. I’d like to invite anyone to write a simple “How to” post, on how to create a tf2 movie and so on.

If any of you have hints/tips/guides on any programs associated with movie making please feel free to post, even if it means linking to a specific tutorial site.

Finally, feel free (how many times do I say this in one thread? :D) to reccomend programs, however, we will not tolerate links to illegal downloads – they will be deleted and the poster will be banned.



For Editing:

Adobe Premiere Pro
Sony Vegas

For Effects:

Adobe After Effects
Magic Bullet (plugin)
Trapcode (plugin)

For Capturing:

Fraps (if your lazy)
Startmovie Console command for quality and smooth framerate
Inbuilt demo smoother for camming good tutorial link below

Just plan your movie before you start, lay down a track, get organised with demos etc (ticks, demonames, descriptions) have a pad of paper and a pen handy at all times :)

and my top tip, dont pick Prodigy – Spitifre as your soundtrack :P


Hey dats!

TF2 movie recording guide: http://www.pldx.com/blog.php/2009/06/team-fortress-2-movie-recording-guide/
Encoding h264 with ffmpeg: http://www.pldx.com/blog.php/2009/06/encoding-h264-with-ffmpeg/
Compiling images to video in Virtual Dub: http://www.pldx.com/blog.php/2009/06/compiling-images-to-video-in-virtual-dub/
Importing TF2 models into 3dsmax: http://www.pldx.com/blog.php/2009/06/importing-half-life-2-models-to-3ds-max/
Encoding h264 with MediaCoder: http://www.pldx.com/blog.php/2009/01/encoding-h264-with-mediacoder/


Hey dats!

was thinking of making a longish tutorial covering the technical stuff in moviemaking. if people show interest then i prolly might do it.


I’d appreciate it


yes please



does anyone know how to make this “ipod ad” effect? I know, I know with Bluescreen maps etc. but I want a look like in this Counter-Strike movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waXSXTRsiuY
maybe someone knows help ^^ thx


Hey dats!

he changed his texture files


jh – I’d be really interested to see your tutorial.



@Boneyard: I have a little problem with fastforward and slo-mo. How do you do it? Do you render with like 120 frames for a slo-mo and then do it in another programm e.g. vegas or do you have a console bind and record the slo-mo directly out of the demo? Same with fastforward.. with a programm or directly inside the demo?
I am kinda confused because doing it inside the demo needs good timing, which I can imagine can fail alota times. thx ;)

@all: does someone know the megui crop for 1440×900?


Hey dats!

Record with a higher fps, say 180 fps in game. Then open the file in whatever program and set the framerate to that. Now, if you want to slow down the footage to say 20%, it still has the same amount of frames per second as any other footage in the movie, assuming you export it as 30 fps.


I’d always startmovie clips with three times more frames to what the final render will show. if you want a 30fps clip then go for 90fps. vimeo and other video portals only support 24fps videos. everything else will result in a framedrop. go for 72fps in this case.



I don’t really get it..
I recorded footage via “host_framerate 90” and “startmovie abc”. Then I imported the .tga sequence in Vegas and set the footage’s framerate also to 90. I set the project settings to 30 frames. Rendered it out and rendered it in megui. But isn’t slo-mo its still normal speed ^^ What have I done wrong. Do you maybe have a tutorial on how to slo-mo and ff? thx


I’m unsure, never used image sequences before. but try to find something which is labeled similar to “playback time/rate” in vegas. just rise it 3. it should play your clips three times faster.


Is it somehow possible to make a x264-avi easily?

I once got a tutorial sent by a mate but it was kinda complictated, with 5 different programs and such.

Also, are there decent freeware editing programs? I used WMM for a movie I made once but the quality and filesize were pretty retarded.

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