
Vanilla + medlocks (+ maps, apparently)

Created 3rd May 2011 @ 15:07

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The soldier doesnt need an equaliser. Yeah your survival rate will increase but you can do perfectly fine without it.
Gryzor, are you saying you’d rather have us playing 8v8 with all the weapons like the wrangler and mad milk (Valve’s enhancements)? This game isn’t built with competitive gaming in mind so obviously a lot of it will be unsuitable. Do you think we need all these extra weapons? The competitive game was fine without them. They dont necessarily improve on the game. More is not better.



Not a lot of point taking the US ruleset into account since their rules are mostly governed by one or two iron fisted mongaloids with no real idea what’s good and what is not. Anyone can get used to unlocks if they’re forced to for long enough, same as anything, but that doesn’t point to what is better or worse.

Last edited by kaidus,


inv >

if you don’t like C YA

Last edited by triobot,


Quoted from kaidus

Not a lot of point taking the US ruleset into account since their rules are mostly governed by one or two iron fisted mongaloids with no real idea what’s good and what is not. Anyone can get used to unlocks if they’re forced to for long enough, same as anything, but that doesn’t point to what is better or worse.




most over powered thing in tf2 is not heavy with a sandwitch.

most overpowered thing in tf2 is having 2 scouts and 2 soldiers, the only thing that balances against this fairly on 100% of occasions is the same setup.

if you drop that class limit to 1 then there are many more possibilities to create an even fight by using totally contrasting lineups.

2 scouts is one of the most devastating things to get attacked by, as is well focussed soldier fire. like i said the only way you have a surefire way of being able to combat that on is to run the same setup. if you run a spy, sniper, pyro, (heavy not so much) you are taking a calculated risk, because you know the enemy has an advantage in firepower. if a team member runs spy or sniper you are riding on luck that the enemy team doesn’t notice and push you. and on the luck of that player actually pulling off some frags before they get picked.


Quoted from Sketch






in what way is 2 scouts 2 soldiers 1 demo 1 medic not the most powerful combo in the game. by everyone else’s argument here, we evidently need to limit this as well. because it is too powerful.

surely anything in this game deemed too powerful should be banned? no?

its just a funny point. i dont see how ppl can moan that such and such is op. when our standard rollout is the most powerful.

Last edited by Sketch,


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Quoted from Sketch


Can we please discuss in a linear fashion. You are trying to truthbomb this topic by trying to create an argument following a certain type of reasoning that has already been negated (by my posts and others’)



Quoted from Sketch

if you run a spy, sniper, pyro, (heavy not so much) you are taking a calculated risk, because you know the enemy has an advantage in firepower. if a team member runs spy or sniper you are riding on luck that the enemy team doesn’t notice and push you. and on the luck of that player actually pulling off some frags before they get picked.

That’s the idea of a ‘pick’ class………………………………………………

Last edited by atrox_,



Quoted from Sketch

most over powered thing in tf2 is not heavy with a sandwitch.

most overpowered thing in tf2 is having 2 scouts and 2 soldiers, the only thing that balances against this fairly on 100% of occasions is the same setup.

if you drop that class limit to 1 then there are many more possibilities to create an even fight by using totally contrasting lineups.

2 scouts is one of the most devastating things to get attacked by, as is well focussed soldier fire. like i said the only way you have a surefire way of being able to combat that on is to run the same setup. if you run a spy, sniper, pyro, (heavy not so much) you are taking a calculated risk, because you know the enemy has an advantage in firepower. if a team member runs spy or sniper you are riding on luck that the enemy team doesn’t notice and push you. and on the luck of that player actually pulling off some frags before they get picked.


I must say i find it very amusing how people whine about unlocks… but give a baby what he wants and everyone will be happy right?
If we dont go vanilla+medlocks its obvious that a lot of people will stop playing – but if we do go vanilla+medlocks i doubt people will go like – no way.. tf2 is broken without my *random unlock here*

Whatever happens some people will stop playing this game… be it the maps, unlocks or just growing up -_- but its clear that less people will quit due to rule sets if we go v+m and choose maps which everyone is fine with.



Call of Duty 4 is so much better than this shit.

Also, if you dumbshits can’t stop the flames, trolololing, “my opinion is better than yours because I have more days on ETF2L” attitudes and so on and have a serious discussion pointing out WHY something won’t work while backing it up with solid proof, then by the time season 10 starts we’re gonna be playing minesweeper.

Last edited by Ghostface,



Quoted from Ghostface

Call of Duty 4 is so much better than this shit.

Also, if you dumbshits can’t stop the flames, trolololing, “my opinion is better than yours because I have more days on ETF2L” attitudes and so on and have a serious discussion pointing out WHY something won’t work while backing it up with solid proof, then by the time season 10 starts we’re gonna be playing minesweeper.

Setting a great example there.



Just test the unlocks for balance and play with it. Variety in strategies and tactics will mean the metagame never stops developing (a good thing), so long as the variety is fun and balanced. Basically, judgement calls and rigorous testing of the weapons is needed.

Vanilla would simply mean the same tactics are run over and over.


Quoted from Sketel

Just test the unlocks for balance and play with it. Variety in strategies and tactics will mean the metagame never stops developing (a good thing), so long as the variety is fun and balanced. Basically, judgement calls and rigorous testing of the weapons is needed.

Vanilla would simply mean the same tactics are run over and over.

>implying that we had a fully developed meta with vanilla


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