What the actual fuck ? Americans are begging the community for some money AGAIN
Created 13th June 2014 @ 20:27
Locked Pages: 1
That’s hilarious. Can’t these guys get a job or something ?
Why the f- would anyone right in their mind donate 5$ to these guys instead of giving it to charity or to Africans dying of hunger ? Not even that, why not spend the 5 $ to buy your mother a gift ? Doesn’t she deserve it a little more than some god damn nerds who spend their day playing video games in attempt to escape the harsh reality of the world ?
Anyone who threw any money their way should be ashamed of theirselves, and in some cases, should return their European Union card.
First time they did it .. okay understandable.
This is outrageous, this is the 3rd time.
And of course people are eating this shit right up. People are too affraid and WAY too naive to question anything coming their way it seems.
We all saw what happened @ i49 when Europe actually prepared for their “best team” .. the rest of the world got ran over, like a hot knife through butter. ( )
How about you mental midgets buy healthier and cheaper foods, that will not only help you collect money for your LANs , but also help you loose a couple of pounds of adipose tissue. ( )
Same thing for streamers, Why would I pay stabby stabby (that goes for any streamers out there) money ? What exactly has he done lately for me ?
Besides “entertaining” me for a few seconds ? Does stabby stabby pays my f-ing bills ? If I want to be entertained, I can just watch a cute kitten video on youtube. Even better, I can read the twitch chat of the E3 twitch tv channel. That’s free.
Here is a message to y’all beggers out there : Gain a hundred pounds, sit in the second row and remember the times when you meant something to this community, because you aren’t getting a single cent from me.
your boy,
Last edited by onv,
you realize you are doing them free PR by doing this?
Last edited by Toba,
people want to pay to see a good show
if you dont want to pay then fair enough…?
i dont understand your point
Could be worse could be people from prosperous European nations begging for cab fare.
Good troll.
You do what you want with your money, I’ll do what I want with mine and other people can do whatever they want with theirs.
Helping starving kids in Africa is a noble cause but holy Hell take off your presumptuous, high-horse, humility goggles and realize that you can’t abuse one’s emotions to force them to do something they do not wish to do.
Not to sound mean but why should people donate if they’d rather spend it on something else? I’d personally rather clean the shit at my doorstep before cleaning the shit at the neighbour’s doorstep.
“made 6695.84 $ out of selling TF2 items ( 0 $ invested )” i dont believe that rofl
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