
Font based Custom Xhair

Created 22nd February 2011 @ 14:29

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First of all read this threads

i have no idea what are they codes, i only make one font character for this method.
btw sorry my bad english, i ll explain with simple words


you need a one vector program and front editor
im using “Adobe Illustrator cs3” and “Fontlab Studio 5”

you can draw what u want with pan tool, any shape. You can find lots of tutorials about using pen tool in google and youtube.

select all your crosshair lines and copy (ctrl+c)

dont forget font family name ( step 4 ) otherwise it doesnt work.

File>Generate Font select type “TrueType/OpenType TT (*ttf) type file name (must be same Font Family Name) and save in

SteamsteamappsYOUR_ACCOUNT_NAMEteam fortress 2tfresource

Okey, time to finish

Open hudlayout.res in a text editor
and put new lines (tfscripts)

“controlName” “CTFLabel”
“fieldName” “xHairCircle”
“visible” “1”
“enabled” “1”
“zpos” “1”

“xpos” “c-100” // look at pvh thread for your resolution
“ypos” “c-100” // look at pvh thread for your resolution
“wide” “200” // look at pvh thread for your resolution
“tall” “200” // look at pvh thread for your resolution

“font” “xHairCircle”
“labelText” “x” // my crosshair in “x” character
“textAlignment” “center”

“fgcolor” “255 255 255 225” //crosshair color

Open Clientscheme.res in a text editor (/tf/resource)
Find Font section

“name” “tf2cross”
“tall” “18” //when change the font size game need restart.
“weight” “0”
“antialias” “1”
“outline” “1”

and last one

clientScheme.res again
custom font files section

“font” “resource/tf2cross.ttf” // save name-fontlab
“name” “tf2cross” // font family name -fontlab

and my custom crosshair file

Last edited by Rokstanski,


Make me a large green cross pl0x.

black outline same pvh custom xhair
trans with def tf2 red dot

green cross ? its def xhair in tf2 multiplay options, if u want with black outline

Last edited by Rokstanski,


I have one with black outline. The larger you make it, the thicker it gets. The default tf2 cross doesn’t get as thick in size.



Is it possible to use your custom crosshair in the OP and just change the centre dot colour based on your active weapon?


crosshair is bugged –

i play at 1920 x 1080

here is my resource and scripts folder

if someone could tell me what i did wrong it and how to fix it would be great ;)

Last edited by chodz,



“xpos” “c-28”
“ypos” “c-25”
“wide” “50”
“tall” “50”

Use those


Quoted from Mark

“xpos” “c-28”
“ypos” “c-25”
“wide” “50”
“tall” “50”

Use those

thanks, that worked.



Quoted from Mark

Is it possible to use your custom crosshair in the OP and just change the centre dot colour based on your active weapon?


Quoted from Rokstanski

F“tall” “18″ //when change the font size game need restart.

or you could just use the designated command


I’m having a problem with this. It seems that my hudlayout.res refuses to work properly. I can’t get the crosshair to show. I copy/pasted everything as said, and it just won’t work.

I tried to modify some values for other hud elements (the ammo counter) to see if the file has any effect at all for me and it does, the ammo counter moved accordingly.

So far I’ve been using a hud crosshair made by myself, and I remember that back then modifying hudlayout.res didn’t yield any results as well so I added my x-hair to HudPlayerHealth.res. It worked fine and still does, even though because I’m a noob at this I had to move the whole health cross to the right, but I got used to it and it doesn’t hinder me. Here’s a screenshot of how it used to look (the green dot is the hud x-hair, the outline is the tf2 circular x-hair; I didn’t knew of the “outline” command then):
Today I changed it a bit because I wanted to make a x-hair with the hudlayout.res method, and it looks like this (this one’s still in HudPlayerHealth.res):
Note how it gets cut out for some reason and I can’t figure out why…it’s kinda annoying but I can get over it.

Anyway, this proves that the ClientScheme.res part is set up correctly, doesn’t it? Since the custom font works and all…I’d really like to have it running in hudlayout.res though, I guess that would fix the cutting-out part.

Here’s screenshots of how I have set up my:
– hudlayout.res: <- at first I copied exactly what the OP said and then modified it; I fiddled around with the xpos/ypos/wide/tall but to no avail; also at first I had it pasted in at the end of the document, but no difference.
– ClientScheme.res:
– HudPlayerHealth.res:

If anyone could please help me I'd greatly appreciate it. I bet I'm being stupid and missing out on something, but can't figure out what.

Last edited by metalpiss,


use same “name” for all filenames, crosshair, and font family name.

contact me on steam

fixed font
added new crosshair type “y”

Last edited by Rokstanski,


Man, this is really weird…in the end I deleted my ClientScheme.res and hudlayout.res and put fresh ones back in and edited those, and now it works…I don’t get it, I wrote in the exact same things…Oh well, at least it’s all good now. Here’s how it looks (made a new one again, will stick with this one):
One thing though, when I enable the outline it looks like hell. The outline doesn’t seem to be antialiased and it’s all over the place. Though I like it better like this, with a normal black xhair surrounding the central dot and the lines being without outline.

Anyway, thanks for all the info!



Quoted from Mark

Is it possible to use your custom crosshair in the OP and just change the centre dot colour based on your active weapon?

You could just make a font around the small dot xhair and use a crosshair switcher for when you change weapons, that’s what I used to do with a similar xhair.


check out my crosshair

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