
Problem with ETF2L config

Created 4th March 2012 @ 14:27

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Hello there,

I’ve recently started a match server for team practice, however, when I exec the etf2l config far too many weapons are banned. In short, I’m utterly clueless on how to run servers and any help would be appreciated. Multiplay assured me that they have the right config, yet for highlander it is unsuitable.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for any obvious glaring stupidity.



It’ll be the whitelist. The ETF2L config by default uses the 6v6 whitelist, which bans quite a lot of stuff. The quickest fix for now would be to enter

mp_tournament_whitelist ""

after execing the config.

Not perfect, but we will have a highlander whitelist out soon.


Last edited by Crasp,



Yh multiplay has some super old version of whitelist.

You can download new cfg and whitelist from rules page
and add it to your server.

But then you have to exec it as:
rcon exec server id/config name

alsoe edit cfg so it gets whitelist from server id/whitelist name

You can get your server id from ClanForge -> Servers -> Details Show



Quoted from Limp.

Yh multiplay has some super old version of whitelist.

You can download new cfg and whitelist from rules page
and add it to your server.

But then you have to exec it as:
rcon exec server id/config name

alsoe edit cfg so it gets whitelist from server id/whitelist name

You can get your server id from ClanForge -> Servers -> Details Show

Like I said, that’s the 6v6 whitelist. We will have a highlander out one shortly.




What you’ve loaded is the “regular” ETF2L config, for 6v6 play. That probably loads the 6v6 whitelist, which indeed restricts a lot of weapons. Highlander does not use a whitelist, as pretty much all weapons are allowed.
The highlander config is called “etf2l_hl.cfg”, so if you load that one, instead of etf2l.cfg, you should be good to go. (Assuming all the configs are up to date, which is your responsibility by the way.)

Also: this is why I dislike the multiplay servers, their interface is nice and all, just annoying at times when you want to do something that isn’t super-standard.


Thanks for the help everyone!

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