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Announcing: ETF2L Scout 1v1 Cup #2 Powered By: Tt eSPORTS

Date April 30, 2015

Banner made by Yggdrasil

Hit the road, bozo! Let a real Scout get to work!

Pull up your socks and head to your nearest MGE server because ETF2L is proudly announcing – after a several year hiatus – the return of the Scout 1v1 cup!

Have you ever wondered who has the best Scout DM in Europe? Have you ever felt that your Scout DM can take on the likes of Sweden wltrs or Germany smziii but your gamesense isn’t quite up to standard? In this competition – it’s every man for himself. No skill brackets, no seeding; you have the chance to take on some of the finest scout MGE heroes in the league!



Thanks to our sponsor, Thermaltake and Tt eSPORTS, we have acquired juicy hardware to award our 1st and 2nd place winners! Netherlands Arie  from serveme.tf has graciously donated several donator subscriptions to our favourite server-rental facility. Netherlands Wiethoofd, creator of whitelist.tf & fabricator.tf and developer for TF2Pickup.net, has very generously sponsored some shiny Killstreak kits for our winners and our French folks over at TF2Connexion have also kindly contributed Steam Games and other cosmetics up for grabs!

Our 1st place winner will receive the Tt eSPORTS THERON Plus+ SMART MOUSE

The THERON Plus+ SMART MOUSE – the classy sheen smart mouse that built with an upgraded AVAGO laser sensor with up to 8200 DPI that consist an additional integrated Bluetooth communications device to sync your mobile device (iOS/Android) with Tt eSPORTS PLUS+, the mobile application that can store gamers’ stats to the Tt eSPORTS PLUS+ Community & Data Management Platform

And the runner-up will receive Tt eSPORTS VENTUS X

VENTUS X – Gaming Mouse – The new generation from Tt eSPORTS’s VENTUS gaming mouse, providing enhanced modern technology and classic design that fits all gamers and bring style to gaming. The new VENTUS X was designed with a new coating that gives full comfort while in gameplay. The VENTUS X also brings about a new ergonomically tuned right handed laser gaming mouse to the VENTUS family, that will appeal to gamers who’re fans of some classic legacy styled mouse shapes and brings the new tech to them.

Here is the full breakdown of prizes:

  • gold medalFirst place: Tt eSPORTS THERON Plus+ SMART MOUSE + 15 keys + 1 Professional Killstreak kit + 1 year of donator status on serveme.tf
  • silver medalSecond place: Tt eSPORTS VENTUS X + 10 keys + 1 Specialized Killstreak kit +  6 months of donator status on serveme.tf
  • bronze medalThird Place: 5 keys + 1 Killstreak Kit + 3 months of donator status on serveme.tf
  • Fourth Place: Stranges and cosmetic items


Schedule and Setup

The cup will be divided into two parts: Group Stage and Knockout Stage. Group Stage will be played from the 8th of May till the 10th and the latter will be played the following weekend.

Friday, May 8th – Group stage (best of 1)

  • Match 1 – 19:00 CEST
  • Match 2 – 20:00 CEST
  • Match 3 – 21:00 CEST

Saturday, May 9th – Group Stage (best of 1)

  • Match 4 – 19:00 CEST
  • Match 5 – 20: 00 CEST

Sunday, May 10th – Group Stage (best of 1)

  • Match 6 – 19:00 CEST
  • Match 7 – 20:00 CEST

128 teams will then proceed onto the Knockout Stage, playing a BO3.

Friday, May 15th – Knockout Stage (best of 3)

  • Round 1 – 19:00 CEST
  • Round 2 – 20:00 CEST
  • Round 3 – 21:00 CEST

Saturday, May 16th – Knockout Stage (best of 3)

  • Round 4 – 19:00 CEST
  • Round 5 – 20:00 CEST

Sunday, May 17th – Knockout Stage (best of 3)

  • Quarter Finals – 19:00 CEST
  • Semi Finals – 20:00 CEST
  • Third Place Tie Breaker – 20:30 CEST
  • Grand Finals – 21:00 CEST


Keep in mind that while both ETF2L and serveme can provide gameservers, the amount is severely limited! Be ready to provide your own gameserver or make a reservation on serveme beforehand. (TIP serveme Donators are allowed to make reservations more than 3 hours in the future)
We obviously recommend you to visit our gameserver sponsor PurePings for stable and reliable servers to play on.


We will set some ground rules, which can be found here.

The map that will be used in this cup is dm_whiskas

The gamemode will be first to 20 frags wins the round or whoever has the most kills before the timelimit ends. The official CFG/Whitelist will be released at a later date.


The boys over at TeamFortress.TV will be providing coverage of the finals on the 17th where prizes could be won for some lucky viewers!

Signup now!

Think fast, chucklenuts! There are 512 slots. If you need help creating a 1v1 team, head over to our FAQ page here. A 1v1 team is required before you can apply.

This map ain’t big enough for the two of us!


  1. BraveHeart: GOALstar said:

    was looking for this map in google, found this

  2. MS: 0fo - 0FO said:

    wtf? Why not Engineer mge?

  3. MIGHTY BURGER ツ said:

    1v1 cup for Scout…. gr8 b8 m8.

  4. Deo: x22 said:

    Where’s pyro mge?

  5. Silver Tosspot: (°)> said:

    Sounds sweet, though it kinda surprised me to see you flashing mice as prices again after this message from thermaltake: [i]“[/i]let’s be honest, any player who manages to win a season already owns a mouse and a headset” I know this isn’t a regular season but still, if you can place second or third in scout mge you probably have a decent mouse…

  6. hr said:

    Can’t wait to get knocked out by some d6 MGE tryhard, lol scout MGE.

  7. zen1th: Pander - LEGO said:

    sheepy to win

  8. Atzebumm: (ETF2L Donator) - Dr. med. said:

    3 evenings in a row of playing? Would have preferred to have it on only 2 :( Some people have places to be and people to see :(

    Nice tournament, good luck to all the participants!!

  9. Clark: SDCK! said:

    Remember playing on this map in 1v1 cup on ESL back in the good old days.

    Great that it hasn’t been forgotten.

  10. ducky said:

    If you pay close attention to the cup history of etf2l you will notice that we usually don’t provide hardware prizes as rewards for small-time cups like these to begin with (see ultiduo or pre-season new map cups), so it’s a step forwards enabled by our benevolent sponsors.

    Besides, even if you’re not going to use these mice then you can still gift them to somebody or sell them on some online platform so it’s not wasted either way.

    Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, after all you can participate in these competitions free of charge :D

  11. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    7 playrounds, fitting them on 2 nights is a tight fit BibleThump

  12. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    Silver Toaster: That was more related to the 6v6 and highlander seasons. We still have an interest to provide prizes for smaller cups and the timing was perfect since these two mice are just about to hit the market in Europe.

  13. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    scout mge skill Kreygasm

  14. barcaphilip said:

    NiCO will probably roll this cup. xd

  15. DamnEasy said:

    dafuq 6 days of aadadadadadadadadadad, rip fingers

  16. Raf: pen15 - hlpugs said:

    Fl1p still doesn’t have a decent mouse.
    Time to try to get one :D

  17. droso: o/ said:

    wtf are you on about?
    Fl1p has a zowie EC1…

    Also, what is the winning scout supposed to do with this garbage tier mouse?

  18. Selek: Dr. med. said:

    Scout gamesense? I am confused.

  19. Falcon0408 said:

    fuck my exams, would have been nice to break my wrist playing scout mge again. lookin forward to nico vs random div 6 in finals

  20. piotrek63: BowDown said:

    Good thing this starts after my advanced maths exam.
    Bad thing I’m shit at scout v scout.
    You better win this shit for me, zen.

  21. schocky: MAFIA said:

    “Also, what is the winning scout supposed to do with this garbage tier mouse?” – few people do not know much about mice :x

  22. rockie said:

    that mouse is aids tho, what you on about?

  23. Raptor: BTWFC - S-O said:

    instead of being happy that there are hardware prizes lets talk about those mices!!!!!

  24. schocky: MAFIA said:

    i meant that droso is right and few (other) people do not know much about mice and do not care :p

  25. rockie said:

    aw ok :>

  26. TWEEKARN\: ez-sports.ru said:

    “mom i said those thousands of hours would finally pay off!!!!!”

  27. vice said:

    medals plz

  28. fkp said:

    easy cup for superkopo

  29. CHERRY said:

    2.2 Weapon Rules

    The only unlocks allowed in the Scout Cup are:

    Boston Basher
    The Sandvich

  30. Vitilumi: tbd said:

    Nice, we’re allowed a real life sandwich for greater gameplay.

  31. haris: FLANK said:

    And now a soldier cup pls.

  32. Thalash: wG - S-O said:




  33. repu said:

    just tested the map with dennia. it is utter shit.

  34. Silver Tosspot: (°)> said:

    Sorry I didn’t want to come off as a whiner, if having prices for these unique cups is something new then thumbs up to you guys

  35. ElazulTF2 said:

    Fuck this, I’ll be at dreamhack :( :(

  36. san alex said:

    medals or riot

  37. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Am I just retarded, or are the descriptions of the mice very poorly written and hard to understand?

  38. easyGame said:

    ^ ayy
    tt-esports is German afaik. Looks like they just used google translator for these descriptions :D

  39. bejcn: :elephant: said:


  40. Hallow: P.O.P said:

    grosse vache volante reporting

  41. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    People who complain about the standard of hardware prizes have clearly forgotten what game they’re playing. TT and CanFo are doing something the majority of companies wouldn’t.

  42. repu said:

    the prizes are really good. the map on the other hand, is not.

  43. Meeto said:

    People are STILL complaining about Prizes in a free tourney? How ungrateful can you get.

  44. t0ast said:

    Looks great, although I personally objectify against health packs being on an MGE arena as it defeats the purpose of it.

  45. remix1337 said:

    Can NA players join? Because I’m trying to sign up and I’m getting some error saying “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”

  46. Jojosapien: $$$TUG$$$ said:

    So how’s this working exactly?
    “Pull up your socks and head to your nearest MGE server because ETF2L is proudly announcing – after a several year hiatus – the return of the Scout 1v1 cup!”
    But then it says you need to make your own server? I’m congused

  47. fmapkmn: Z&Co - [NoL] said:

    Feedback about cfg and whitelist ?