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Highlander Season 4 powered by BlackOut Gaming Updates

Date March 1, 2013

Banner by European accless

Based on the feedback from the community, we’ve made several changes to the 9v9 Season ruleset and map pool. We hope these changes will improve the experience both for teams playing in the League and for viewers following Premiership matches.

Unlock changes

We have read every post in the Feedback Thread, and decided to ban The Beggars Bazooka for this season. The Quackenbirdt was mistakenly banned, and this has been revoked and is now allowed. The full list of banned weapons now reads as follows:

Map pool changes

The map pool has been edited to try and match the maps are played during the same week as UGC, to lower the number of maps teams need to practice per week. There have also been two changes, pl_swiftwater_ugc has been replaced by pl_barnblitz_pro, and cp_steel has been replaced with cp_gravelpit.

  • Week 1 – cp_gravelpit
  • Week 2 – pl_upward
  • Week 3 – pl_badwater
  • Week 4 – cp_gullywash_final1 + koth_lakeside_final
  • Week 5 – pl_barnblitz_pro

Signups are still open!

The signups for this season are still open until Friday 8th March at 23:59 CEST, so there is still plenty of time to form a team and sign up! Don’t forget that anyone who completes the season will recieve in game medals!



  1. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    beggars bazooka banned, gravelpit in the mappool… my body might be ready.

  2. HartzFartz: (ETF2L Donator) - 0fo - Arti Rush said:

    Removing steel and swiftwater, adding gpit, worst day of my life.

  3. beach: [DA] - [DA] said:

    ^ This. I fear that most of the people who were like OMGNOSTEEL were people who’d played it on a pub server every now and again, got lost and RQ. But oh well, I didn’t post in that thread so I can’t complain really.

    Looking forward to the new season! :)

  4. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    barnblitz…… :|

  5. Schmuse: itsallgood - itsallgood said:

    I like gravelpit, but gullywash is a HORRENDOUS map for HL. Steel or swiftwater on the other hand are brilliant HL maps. Meh. At least the beggar’s bazooka ban should make everyone happy <3