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ScoutSoldier  Mid- Skill, 6v6

Denmark Sofa King

Posted: | Last Online:


Hey my name is Therion.

i am searching for a stable low+ /Div 5 team. i have being playing with alot of div 4 players and i was in a div 4 team aswell, so i could prob, play some low div4 :)

about me:

can play everyday from 16 CET to 23 CET
in weegends all day long (depends if theres some social thingys going on)

Age: 14 (Dont skip me because im 14 since i am mature of my age)
dont rage (can rage a bit if i get a high deathstreak or if my team arent doing their thing properly.

Class i will preffer to play soldier (dont care if its pocket or roaming), and i can play a decent scout aswell, can play sniper as a good bonus :P

got mic mumble etc.

good clear english coms but can do them a bit loud if the situation is getting to tence.

dont take care of my clan history since i have bin dicked around in the past or the team has folded (many teams has folded)

very active.

About you:

Match server (will have good pings aslong its not placed in alaska)
Nice bunch of guys with good experience and are will to have a nice laugh in the mumble :)
Low+/Div5 team

That was all for me add me on steam if your intrested :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:18435950 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left impakt [6v6] Sofa King
Joined impakt [6v6] wgl
Left Cruising for a Bruising [6v6] Sofa King
Joined Cruising for a Bruising [6v6] Devon
Left 'Avin a Larf [6v6] Sofa King
Joined 'Avin a Larf [6v6] Hiatus
Left Perle Venner [2v2] Sofa King
Left CiC Nova [6v6] Nagash
Joined CiC Nova [6v6] Nagash
Left Actility [6v6] Sofa King
Joined Actility [6v6] PureX
Left smooth criminals [6v6] rtan
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] Poop
Left smooth criminals [6v6] rtan
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] Poop
Left smooth criminals [6v6] Sofa King
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] flushy
Left Friday! [6v6] Shep_Cro
Joined Friday! [6v6] Shep_Cro
Left Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ante
Joined Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Sofa King
Left Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Sofa King
Joined Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Sofa King
Left Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ghostface
Left Good at Last! [6v6] Sofa King
Left The Lords Of Gravel Pit [Highlander] Rirt
Joined The Lords Of Gravel Pit [Highlander] HaKo
Joined Good at Last! [6v6] Risky
Left Killerinstincts - Team Lad [6v6] Gobby
Joined Killerinstincts - Team Lad [6v6] helberg
Left Team Lad [6v6] Sofa King
Joined Team Lad [6v6] Gobby
Left Team Dakka [6v6 Fun Team] Sofa King
Left Team Dakka [Highlander] Sofa King
Left nervousENERGY Heineken [6v6] Biohazard
Joined Team Dakka [6v6 Fun Team] ExcessiveEvil
Joined Team Dakka [Highlander] ExcessiveEvil
Left Team Na'Vi [Highlander] Seeiya
Joined nervousENERGY Heineken [6v6] Biohazard
Left What's in the boX? [6v6] Sofa King
Joined What's in the boX? [6v6] Cobby
Left Tabby Gaming [6v6] Gobby
Joined Tabby Gaming [6v6] Gobby
Left Proper Stinky Gaming - Pink Team [6v6] Sofa King
Left Team Milupa [6v6 Fun Team] Sofa King
Joined Team Na'Vi [Highlander] Seeiya
Joined Proper Stinky Gaming - Pink Team [6v6] phy-
Joined Team Milupa [6v6 Fun Team] Seeiya
Joined Perle Venner [2v2] Sofa King
Left Impossible is nothing! [6v6] Sofa King
Joined Impossible is nothing! [6v6] Seeiya
Left Bis Gaming [6v6] Sofa King
Joined Bis Gaming [6v6] achy
Left Full Aim Control [6v6] Vandal
Joined Full Aim Control [6v6] Vandal

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4/Div 5 8 313
View Div 5 19 622
View Div 4/Div 5 32 898
View Low+ 10 652
View Low+ 39 693
View Low+ 8 448
View Low+ 5 517
View Mid- 13 432
View Mid- 4 495


  1. Blorg said:

    Why make a new post? Everyone’s comparing your dance videos and I haven’t posted mine yet, you dick.

    Therion’s a fucking legend. I’ve never seen him try to ”take control of games” as I saw people say in the last rec post. I used to mix with him loads and he never did, at all. He does fine in general and is a great laugh.


    haters gonna hate

  2. Biohazard: IDK said:

    Great demoman with really good gameplay sense. Nice guy as well. Defo deserves a good team.
    Funny guy overall make sure you get him before someone else will!!!

    Looking forward to play with you again mate :)

  3. Arduous: keso said:

    Sweet guy. Also, he’s danish.

  4. mrwhizz said:

    Terrific guy, Doesn’t afraid of anything, Please dont make him feel like the fat kid in gym class.

    Good luck Therion. Feelsgodman.jpg

  5. SpadeN said:

    Hey, we are a new created team looking aiming for winning div 5 season 8 add me on steam “wenestam” if you are interested. :)

  6. MaxHoHaxx said:

    Wanna to play with u like demo/soll

  7. LapRound said:

    hey theri, im danish as well (lol hvorfor helvede snakker jeg engelsk xD) im 14 and experienced demo. AND im actually searching new team (the clan im in is filled with 90%assjacks) reply pl0x D:

  8. Anathema said:

    oh my god that last post had me in tears :’)

  9. Spanna said:

    ace :) ace :) ace :)


  10. TherioN said:

    I found a new home, Team Lad.

    i dont search for a team atm :)

  11. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Then close it. :)

  12. TherioN said:


    searching again guys since team lad folded. GG guys ;)

  13. Beater: Danmark - LEGO said:

    Epic dance moves and carries every team he’s in, isn’t that right Therion? ;)

    Good player, worth picking up for sure

  14. Helberg: Danmark - DANMARK said:

    Really nice guys. A great laugh. His soldier skill is constantly improving ( I can assure you, since im his like mini-mentor like thingie) great guy pick him up fast! Just dont tell him what crosshair to use for sniping :p

  15. TherioN said:


    <3 helberg

  16. SirRemix: frø - DANMARK said:

    Up for a good laugh in mumble about fede bukser.
    Nice guy who just needs to find a stable team and stick with it. Good luck

  17. erratic said:

    ^ what he said. Stable team will make therion improve alot in no time! Pick him up!

    Good luck TherioN :)

  18. Cannady: hood said:

    TherioN needs only a gooooooood team and he will go pro mode in no time !!!! gief himz teemz