ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScout  Mid Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates The Anti-Cheat Gamers Team

Posted by Rage Guy: | Last Online:


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  1. yoshibones said:

    I could be a backup pyro if you need one. I think im and average player and have been training very hard at compression blasting rockets and putting out people when they’re on fire. If you consider picking me please message me on my steam profile. Steam profile: Top Gunner. Im the one with the pyro picture. I could also get my friends to join so we would have a full team.

  2. Wesleyc16: TF2ET said:

    I am a pretty average player. I have around 300 hours logged and I mostly play spy,scout, and heavy. I will focus on teamwork and if your interested PM me my in-game name is HappyRaccoon. Thanks in advance I would appreciate it if you would let me join.

  3. OMFG Itz Andre said:

    i can play spy if you need one i’m a great spy ^_^

  4. semburu said:

    hey im a pretty decent all around player, and i have a friend or that will join, message me if your interested

  5. Thewingmaster: {TPT} said:

    I Can work with engineer really well, i have over 464 hours played on the game,
    When on offensive (BLU), I know how to use the gunslinger Rather effectively to help the team achieve the objective if working together

    When on defensive i Do nothing but Stop the Enemy from pushing for the point,

    I am also a rather effective sniper, i prefer the rifle , i can avoid being backstabbed alot
    Im the kind that moves around and shoots from different locations everytime

  6. failsauce said:

    I’m a very good spy/sniper i have 396.1 hrs I’m also a decent scout/pyro but please don’t tell me to go medic i fail epicly as a medic and also don’t uber unless your gunna die cause not a really good uber buddy.

    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197988355144 if you want to buddy or contact me.

  7. Dr H Faustus: [WJWTM] said:

    Hey, you need a soldier?