ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Raymon

Posted: | Last Online:

It's me again.

So for starters, this is a 2-man recruitment post; after some thought, Ability and I have decided we want to look for another team. We've enjoyed our time in KnG 1/2, but because of how certain things stand, we wish to move on.

What we can offer:

– Either a compatible soldier duo (div3), or a solid, able-to-maincall medic and strong roam soldier who have known and played with eachother for a long time (div2/1).
– Activity from Sunday-Thursday, and with further notice maybe weekends.

What we expect from you:

– A Mumble/TS3 and TF2 server.
– Nice atmosphere, will to improve, commitment and all that good stuff.

For any questions or trials, add me on Steam. Thanks :>

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:26802444 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left England [National 6v6 Team] krafty
Joined Se7en [6v6] Thalash
Left FG eSports [6v6] Raymon
Joined FG eSports [6v6] Fribs
Left Se7en [6v6] Raymon
Joined Se7en [6v6] kaptain
Left Team Infamous [6v6] Raymon
Joined Team Infamous [6v6] .
Left FG eSports [6v6] Raymon
Left Will you marry me, Fribs? [2v2] .
Joined FG eSports [6v6] Fribs
Joined Pussay Patrol [6v6 Fun Team] .
Left Team Infamous [6v6] Raymon
Joined Team Infamous [6v6] .
Left Team Infamous [6v6] Lacke
Joined Will you marry me, Fribs? [2v2] Gubbins
Joined WHEREISKAIDO [Highlander] Thalash
Joined Team Infamous [6v6] .
Joined England [National 6v6 Team] kaidus
Left [<3] [Highlander] Raymon
Left England [National Highlander Team] Hildreth
Left Epsilon eSports [6v6] Mike
Joined Epsilon eSports [6v6] KnOxXx
Left Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Raymon
Joined England [National Highlander Team] Raymon
Left Scotland [National Highlander Team] Fragm3nt3d
Joined Scotland [National Highlander Team] Raymon
Joined Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Raymon
Left Elite nile Gunners [6v6] Raymon
Joined [<3] [Highlander] Bear
Joined Elite nile Gunners [6v6] WildEast
Left Karnage eSports [6v6] antyjc
Joined Karnage eSports [6v6] antyjc
Left Elite Nile Gunners EU [6v6] Raymon
Joined Elite Nile Gunners EU [6v6] Raymon
Left KnG! Elite Nile Gunners #2 [6v6] Raymon
Joined KnG! Elite Nile Gunners #2 [6v6] Mak
Left Blood is Good [Highlander] Reload
Left Bløød ïs Gøød - Retired Edition [6v6] Reload
Joined Bløød ïs Gøød - Retired Edition [6v6] Reload
Joined Blood is Good [Highlander] Reload
Left KnG! Elite Nile Gunners #2 [6v6] Raymon
Joined KnG! Elite Nile Gunners #2 [6v6] Mak
Left KnG! Elite Nile Gunners #2 [6v6] Raymon
Joined KnG! Elite Nile Gunners #2 [6v6] Mak

Previous Recruitment Posts

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  1. Tarkus: aHn said:


  2. cook: FB said:

    decent player but has a few attitude problems, i think if you work those out u can be a very gud player dudE!! also tarkus 2012

  3. Phrozen: ? said:

    pick him up, definitely an amazing player whatever class he plays, it’s a pity he point blanc refuses to medic if I’m pocketing :'( </3

  4. antyjc: 2ne1 said:

    he’s a cutie.


  5. Sasuke: ORACLE said:

    Both are really decent.

  6. Vanilla_Mi: F! said:

    Raymon, the secret weapon #5 of UK

  7. Fn: [:B] said:

    Was easier to hit than those 200 ping Africans in his old team ;D

  8. _Ben: ;? said:

    top gammon

  9. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    euros, so don’t really expect much difference

  10. Josh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    Ab is good, Ray is only good at pyro on airball. Get good at airball Ray.

  11. Daleth: ti. - [PG] said:

    LOL shitter rainman bak 2 pick up da pieces??

    All jokes aside, in the time I’ve known Shintaz Junior, I’ve really come to like him. He’s a funny guy, and really quite an excellent multiclasser. Not much of a rager, intelligent, great DM, positive on comms… Pretty much it really. As for Ability, I really have no idea, but I trust Raymon’s opinion so he is likely an excellent player.

  12. Askior: swimp said:

    Gaymon “le” pokemon.

  13. Raymon: 7 - WiK? said:


  14. Vanilla_Mi: F! said:

    Dont be humble now, Ray can play soldier in div2 at least.

  15. Alloy: VΛ // said:

    Raymon is a pretty decent medic and by pretty decent, I mean he’s fucking beast. He’s even kind enough to tutor me in the ways of the medic when he’s available.

    If this guy doesn’t find a team then what hopes do the other medics of tf2 have? D: