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Sniper  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, Highlander

England Pinks

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi guys!
I'm Pinks (some of you might know me already) I'm looking for a div 3 team to play Sniper in, as I feel I can play well at that level.
I've played div 4 twice, once with Team MeanMode and I also have silver experience with the same team.

So, some extra stuff, recently won div 2 Wireplay! So, that's cool.

Thanks for reading and I hope you'll consider trialing me. Just leave a comment here and/or add me on steam,

(Edit: Added div 2/3 due to suggestions of posters :))
I'm bumping this because I feel like I should look :D

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:63357235 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Fusion eSports Highlander Classic [Highlander] Pinks
Joined Fusion eSports Highlander Classic [Highlander] Samski
Left C-Men [Highlander] Pinks
Left Coffee Shop™ [6v6] Dashij
Joined C-Men [Highlander] Chris
Joined Coffee Shop™ [6v6] Dashij
Left C-Men [Highlander] Pinks
Left Mental Stability [6v6] Pinks
Joined C-Men [Highlander] Chris
Left Team MeanMode [Highlander] Pinks
Joined Mental Stability [6v6] Tomu
Left Nice Jewish Guys [6v6] Pinks
Joined Nice Jewish Guys [6v6] Droodl3
Left Mental Stability [6v6] Pinks
Joined Team MeanMode [Highlander] Pinks
Left Mild Mannered Manatees [Highlander] Pinks
Joined Mental Stability [6v6] Pinks
Left Power Rascals [6v6] Pinks
Joined Power Rascals [6v6] Pinks
Joined Mild Mannered Manatees [Highlander] Pinks

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  1. Tomu: BoyBrigade - MEGA$$ said:

    One of the carries of TMM, could probably do higher than div 3.

    Also sports a healthy 300 ping which will only start halfway through a match and will complain about it until you have another game on a different day.

  2. OsZ said:

    Definitely capable of playing in div 3. One of the most talented snipers I have ever seen

  3. Raf: w//e - .awkward said:

    Trial and watch the world (along with the enemy team) burn
    Sweet voice & a lovely person, deserves a team of the like <3

    Played a season with him in Silver S9. Carried pretty hard towards the end of the season and only gotten better since. Few scrims as of recent and has the tendency to kill lots of people.

  4. e1ne said:

    sick sniper that will hit every shot , also very friendly and cool person

  5. DavidTheWin: (ETF2L Donator) - BTWFC - [ᴛᴍᴍ] said:

    can click on heads with reasonable accuracy

  6. BreakfasT_Jr: PHEMXX said:


  7. Zeigon said:

    Very good player, very friendly guy!

  8. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    it’s been confirmed that he looks like a cross between tempa t and shrek. he also likes penis.
    would trial

  9. Chris: CMEN2 said:

    he clicks on heads more than he clicks on bodies.

  10. Flood said:

    Better than andyvich at lan

  11. Ggamefreak22 said:

    Div 3? Can go higher

  12. Snooki: VDOH said:

    Good sniper, really nice guy and awesome voice; no homo.

  13. Carlos Kaiser said:

    Playing against Pinks (who was playing in div 4) was scarier than against most div 3 snipers. Can probably do div 2.

  14. Dashij said:

    Best sniper I ever seen. Also has a sexy voice and coat

    10/10 would bang

  15. Pinks said:

    Thanks so far guys, you’ve made my day :D

  16. Qwerty: VH?♥ said:

    A nice guy, you always have fun playing with him :)

    I’d say he could play higher than div3 but all his dota made him kinda rusty but still a hell of a shit !

    but never tell him he is good rather trash talk him (he plays better if you do so)

  17. Freakie: KOLAR - .awkward said:

    At least div 3.

  18. Qwerty: VH?♥ said:

    hell of a shot*

  19. MS: 0fo - 0FO said:

    A wonderful Sniper, who I miss very very much!

  20. TJB said:

    Lovely guy, very friendly and also very capable of div 3 <3

  21. Marty: lala said:

    Great guy, played with him earlier on the same team


  22. Popcorp said:

    Better than Konr

  23. Tseini: Damn! - 2MNYCHDS said:

    Is this the At.Pinks,if so he should be looking for atleast d2

  24. Asaaj said:

    Pinks stinks <3

  25. Pinks said:

    @Tseini, yes this is the At. Pinks :)
    @MS, you should invite me to stuff sometime then :D

  26. ThaZimmer said:

    Just no.

  27. HartzFartz: (ETF2L Donator) - 0fo - 0FO said:


  28. Qnai: R6S - .awkward said:

    He sounds fluffy

  29. Void: ST said:

    realy good sniper, worth the trial for div3.

  30. Jonaz said:

    Cool guy and sick sniper!

  31. chronohawk: o_O said:

    Very pleasant and nice guy. Played at least two seasons of Highlander, loads of 6s and even 4v4 with Pinks. Easy to get along with and a damn good Sniper, yet not afraid to speak his mind on why the team won or lost.

    You can’t go wrong with this guy.

  32. Pinks said:

    Bump c:

  33. Haydn: m'way - four hundred an said:

    scary sniper to play against, keen and top guy, idk why he doesn’t have a team yet

  34. M4RK said:

    can shooty in the head

  35. Deox: myx - wL. said:

    Pinks makes me feel all fuzzy inside, probably a good thing unless i have a disease.

  36. Alex said:

    fun friendly dood and easy d3

  37. Taylor Swift said:

    Trialed him for my div 2 team. He did pretty good considering they had Tseini in the opposite team. Give this man a chance and trial him! I’m pretty sure you won’t regret it!

  38. Kermit: G - sniper said:

    Div 2.

  39. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I remember my first steel season, this was the guy everybody were shitting themselves about :)

    Dunno how good he is now, though. Definately has had the talent all along

  40. Bramelvix said:

    This guy is an aimbot

  41. BoneSponge said:

    extremely friendly dude, great sniper and also has a dank goatee