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DemomanMedic  Div 2 Skill, Highlander

Sweden Omega

Posted: | Last Online:

I might be one of the unluckiest when it comes to finding a main spot, but I am currently looking to join either a div 2 or 3 team as either demo or medic, currently I would prefer demo. As demo I find myself doing 600-1000 dpm in lobbies, often the dominating one on my team, and that's exactly why I want a main demo spot, and I am uncertain what div I can go against. Medic I am unsure on atm if I could handle div 2 but I can definitely handle div 3 teams. However time is slim for me as I both play alot of world of warcraft and play the piano very often, plus school just started, so make sure you mention times at least 3 days before hand so I can schedule. I stream fairly often as well, so if you wanna judge me by that that's fine. I would like a team like everyone else wants, no raging, friendly environment and a good, dedicated leader. I'm fine with playing more seasons with a team as well. Add meh.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:92465682 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Chessclub JR [Highlander] Omega
Joined Chessclub JR [Highlander] Husky
Joined 6hess Jr. [6v6] Husky
Left Name in Progress [6v6] Omega
Joined Name in Progress [6v6] Kimo
Left Viva La Copycats [6v6] Omega
Left Tea-Mates [Highlander] Omega
Joined Viva La Copycats [6v6] Collaide
Joined Tea-Mates [Highlander] crazycalumrock
Left nervousENERGY Density [6v6] Omega
Left Thy Old Mercenaries of Teamwork [Highlander] Omega
Joined Thy Old Mercenaries of Teamwork [Highlander] Afirax
Left Bump Up: Scrub Division [Highlander] Omega
Joined Bump Up: Scrub Division [Highlander] Pandahh
Left Otaku Yohei [Highlander] Omega
Joined nervousENERGY Density [6v6] Mop
Joined Otaku Yohei [Highlander] Omega
Left DuckTape [Highlander] Omega
Joined DuckTape [Highlander] Omega

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2/Div 3 12 552
View Div 4 1 191
View Div 3/Div 4 1 355
View Div 4 5 440
View Div 5/Div 6 4 342
View Div 5/Div 6 1 242


  1. Collaide said:

    He’s a nice guy and got gr8 dodges

  2. Omega: -chessjr- said:

    Bumping, 2 teams so far.

  3. Spirit: teo - -chess- said:

    Yes this is good medic

  4. Benedict said:

    decent player, should do good at this level

  5. Samski: MPREG - DBLE said:

    added to discuss trial

  6. Omega: -chessjr- said:

    Yo, still looking, etf2l only

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