ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Open Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom minifazza

Posted: | Last Online:

HI looking for a good 6v6 team hopefully to get us to mid
-900h+ on TF2

-100h+ on the class you want to play

-prepared to make all the scrims

-know all the maps and call outs etc.

-Good English

– Skype or Mumble (and a working headset with mic)

ADD ME (http://steamcommunity.com/id/ACEBANANA99/home) if you are intersted P.S I am scout

We will mainly practice on https://tf2center.com/lobbies although we will also chill on pubs

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:209636638 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left MGE me at Lan [6v6] Korra
Left CringeLordsUnited [Highlander] Slippy
Joined CringeLordsUnited [Highlander] Slippy
Left Air Nomads Rebirth [Highlander] minifazza
Joined MGE me at Lan [6v6] Korra
Left Open Brain [6v6] minifazza
Joined Air Nomads Rebirth [Highlander] Korra
Joined Open Brain [6v6] Saeth
Left Team Israel [6v6] minifazza
Joined Team Israel [6v6] y0x
Left Gaming Masters [6v6] minifazza
Joined Gaming Masters [6v6] .
Left Descent Esports [6v6] minifazza
Left Spoon lickers [Highlander] minifazza
Joined Descent Esports [6v6] emskii
Joined Spoon lickers [Highlander] xoath
Left Salty Parents [6v6] minifazza
Joined Salty Parents [6v6] minifazza
Left Get On Our Lvl [Highlander] minifazza
Joined Get On Our Lvl [Highlander] minifazza

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Low 2 254
View Low 5 552
View Low 5 632
View Low/Open 1 608
View Low/Open 3 227
View Low 1 251
View Low/Open 0 167
View Open 0 302
View Low/Open 1 174
View Mid/Open 0 265


  1. WaFzZ said:

    Hello There
    I am a newb medic that can join your team
    I have 1305 hours of tf
    I have been practicing for a team and I will be happy to help you out
    P.s. I am from Turkey and using mumble would be better than Skype
    P.p.s My internet can lag sometimes don’t get mad at me for that please
    Contact me if you see this message

  2. Guitto: GOOL said:

    Hey there!

    I am applying for pyro.
    Pyro is one of my main classes along with medic and heavy.
    I have 1200+ hours of TF2 and over 120+ hrs of pyro.
    I play a lot of pyro in pubz and I also have over 150 lobbies on TF2CENTER.
    I live in the UK and i can talk without problem on Skype although i would prefer mumble.

  3. Mudkip J.r J.r: GOOL said:


    I would like to apply as a Heavy for your team
    I would have liked to apply for Medic as it is my main class but WaF beat me to it ¬¬
    Heavy has been one of my main classes along with Medic, Sniper and Spy
    I have played quite a lot of Heavy during my 1200+ hours of TF2
    200+ to be in fact
    I have recently begun to play a few lobbies on TF2center mainly going Medic, though when that’s unavailable I go Heavy
    I have Skype though I have the occasional problem where I am unable to join the call of certain people and due to this I would prefer Mumble

  4. Trucker: GOOL said:


    I’m applying for Engie.
    Engie has been my main class for a while now.
    I have 2000+ hours of TF2 and over 150 hours as engie.
    I have been playing engie a lot in pubs and competitive on TF2CENTER which i have over 150 lobbies on it.
    I live in the UK and can talk using skype, though I’d prefer to use mumble.

  5. OldManJaffa: GOOL said:

    Hi Tobs. It’s me, I want to be sniper

  6. mr_feeze: GOOL said:

    im sniper :P

  7. Jason: GOOL said:

    I am Soldier

  8. Gloomer TM: GOOL said:

    ill be the demoman