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Medic  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Germany medfoo

Posted: | Last Online:

So hey, first recruitement thread i ever made, so it will suck pretty hard.

looking for a team to play the next season in. doesnt matter if german or english speaking.
it would also be nice, if there is a scout/soldier spot in your team, for the beastiest beast ive ever met, also known as sweiny ( https://etf2l.org/recruitment/102753/ ), who i played with for the last 3 years .

can play 1-2 times weekdays and on sunday for wars.

played medic in div1 already, so im kind of experienced, but wont maincall. http://gif-riposte.com/system/pictures/36/main_page/2950810968.gif?1318095659.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:19352688 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined trick17 Got milk? edition! [6v6] medfoo
Left Got Milk? [6v6] medfoo
Joined Got Milk? [6v6] medfoo
Left Trick17 [6v6] medfoo
Left Endangered Stealthy Crustaceans [Highlander] medfoo
Joined Trick17 [6v6] Brego
Left Got Milk? [6v6] electro
Joined Endangered Stealthy Crustaceans [Highlander] ShailsTDS [PT]
Left Got Milk? [6v6 Fun Team] medfoo
Left Got Highlander? [Highlander] medfoo
Joined Got Milk? [6v6 Fun Team] electro
Joined Got Highlander? [Highlander] electro
Joined Got Milk? [6v6] medfoo
Left I like trains !!! [6v6] Tappaa
Joined I like trains !!! [6v6] medfoo
Left Full Aim Control [6v6] Vandal
Joined Full Aim Control [6v6] Vandal

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  1. sweiny: trick17 said:

    ich liebe dich

  2. IPZIE: SUAVE said:

    still the best german medic can play div1 with the right team. not overrating or overrated like the other german medics o/ holla

  3. RazorsEdge: FLANK - trick17 said:

    I think he doesn’t like scouts cause he never heals me. Maybe he just doesn’t like me.
    One of the best Medics in Germany. Pick him!

  4. vrn said:

    sick med, you’ll be happy to have him.