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DemomanSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

Sweden Lesch

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello, I am looking for a team that has players that are dedicated to the game and willing to improve, because I surely am! I have no experience from any TF2 League before so this will be my first season. I usually play Demo and Solly so that's what I am looking for. (For Solly I can play both roamer and pocket, doesn't really matter) My DM and game-sense is good and I have quite a lot of hours under my belt. I would say I am a bit over average than a typical open player, according to what I've seen atleast.
Soon 16 yo and mature, I understand and can speak fluent English.

If the team members are Scandinavian/British that would be a plus.
Thanks, Schlasen.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:143638558 Add Friend

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One Comment

  1. eevv: ympo said:

    I can, I never played in any league as well. I try to think that I main demo, but I’m ok at soldier too.