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ScoutSniper  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Russia dz

Posted: | Last Online:

adequate scout. :o
i have :
#ss sick shot group.
and dream to own the world.

Played in d4. always merc vs d2-3. Have experience vs d1-2.(1-2 months) .

one little problem it is that im playing with high ping, but it does not interfere to play very good. :) movie on steamprofile. also i have demos if u need.

I know english and can play in the eu team.

trial me.

gl hf :D

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:85041371 Add Friend

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Joined The Gentelmen's Club. [6v6] dz
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Joined We dont care... [6v6] dz
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  1. Meds said:

    Scout #1

  2. NaF said:

    laggy as fuck, but aims good :3

  3. insanity said:

    lovely guy <3

  4. comedown: 4-25 said:


  5. comedown: 4-25 said:

    nice guy, pro aim, FUCKING AIM SNIPER

  6. WiTCheR^: [PanSQ] said:

    nice guy and amazing scope, 2k12 autoaim :D


  7. fujito said:

    dniwe :D

  8. backy said:

    #ss sick shot group.

    it will obviously help u finding a team.

  9. dz said:

    ofc >:D

  10. dz said:
