ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyPyroScoutSoldier  Open Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates Bronies

Posted by Emo Dash: | Last Online:

Looking for everything except a Sniper, Scout, Engineer, or a Spy.

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  1. D0|\\|@t - !*@|\: FT | said:

    I am a spy main looking for a team to scrim with and get better.
    I have 270 hours on spy, 340 lobbies and going up. I have played on 2 teams as main spy and 1 team as a spy sub.
    please add me on steam if you are interested http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073461309/

  2. Skitteryhurdle said:

    Hi I am a scout main and I have played on 2 seasons (One on 6’s and one on highlander) Looking to join another team. I have almost 900 hours in tf2, and over 100 hours in scout.
    If you’re interested add me on steam:

  3. Toxic: Brony said:

    Hi I am a demo man i hv played over 100hrs demo. I would prefer to play as a sub due to some problems. PLz add me to discuss further

  4. Toxic: Brony said:


  5. noobkiller300: Brony said:

    hey i’m the noobkiller300 and I main Engi And Demo. I can also sub pyro. I also want to join your team mainly because your like the only brony group here!


  6. iksdeeeeee said:


    I am looking for an competitive team as Soldier, im new to the competitive part of tf2.

    But i look forward into playing with a team :D



  7. Loli-Sama: Brony said:

    I main pyro, and am mediocre at soldier. I have ~250 hours in this silly game. I’ve played in a UGC HL Iron team, but I’m trying to join etf2l because of scheduling.


  8. reindeer said:

    Looking to play as Pyro, have decent lobby experience, (130+) have 1 season of UGC experience and a decent Pyro ranking on tf2playerrankings.
    Hit me up at http://steamcommunity.com/id/reindeerflotilla/

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