ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerHeavyPyroSniper  Low/Open Skill, Highlander

European Bangers N' Mash EU

Posted by Lexxy: | Last Online:

Hi all,

We're a friendly team looking to have some fun in open but still try to win. HL is known for whiny people and we're not going to emulate that so we can just lose more sorely.

In need of the classes listed above, trailing different people until the season starts.Our current 'mains' are very inconsistent and we're looking for solid players to plug the gap. So you will end up getting a healthy bit of playing and may end up taking a main role nearer to the season.

Please have a working mic and ideal if some comp experience but not necessary.

If you are interested in the spy main role, DM me on discord:

there's no driver at this wheel#6900

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One Comment

  1. crazykiller monty: TC: Ox said:

    can trail for demo, sub for med and scout, hit me up. sla/sh.#6545 id/slaxsh/